SRPP OTL AMP 二題の製作 (10)
2020年9月24日 · srpp otl amp 二題の製作(10) 回路図と特性図. srppアンプは回路は簡単で性能が良く音も良いと思っています。欠点なのは、出力管のプレート電圧が高くなり、得られる出力は少ないことです。
HIFIDIY论坛-两级SRPP的ALL-MOS-30W甲类OTL功放 - Powered …
2017年6月4日 · 自己喜好有点执着经常好走极端,近一段时间一直在琢磨all-fet放大电路,这个all-mos的功放原理图就这样出来了,为了跟瑟顿沾点边,也采用otl输出形式。
HIFIDIY论坛-一款基于和田茂氏线路构架的电子管前级/耳放的设计 …
2015年1月16日 · 其实在不使用输出变压器的情况下,电子管耳放/前级的输出级只有四种线路可以选择,即阴极跟随线路(Cathode Follower)、SRPP线路(Shunt Regulated Push-Pull)、SEPP线路(Single Ended Push-Pull)、WCF线路(White Cathode Follower)。
Mixed results with SRPP OTL for headphones - diyAudio
2019年1月15日 · Over the weekend I built a headphone amp based on “The Optimized SRPP Amp” by Blencowe. I emulated the unbypassed version in Part 2, so there is (was) no cap bypassing the cathode resistor. My intent was to amplify the speaker output of a phone or tablet to drive higher quality headphones, so little gain is required.
SRPP+ All-in-One & Mu Followers - Tube CAD
With a generic SRPP circuit, we can only change resistor R2’s value, so R2 and the external load resistance must be manipulated to yield optimal performance. For example, the following formula tells us what the optimal load impedance is for a given triode and Rak value:
6N1P and 6N6P OTL headphone amp - diyAudio
2011年2月13日 · An OTL headphone amp with a 6N1P in ground cathode for input stage and a 6N6P in SRPP for the output stage. I've found that the best working point for this tubes are 10 ma for the 6N1P and 22 ma for the 6N6P.
New SRPP Circuits - Tube CAD
TCJ Push-Pull Calculator has but a single purpose: to evaluate tube-based output stages by simulating eight topologies’ (five OTL and three transformer-coupled) actual performance with a specified tube, power supply and bias voltage, and load impedance.
SRPP アンプの紹介 - 真空管アンプ製作
2020年5月31日 · srppは「シャント レギュレーテッド プッシュプル」の略です。 この 真空管 回路の技術的説明はWEB上に沢山掲載されていますのでそちらをご覧いただき、ここでは当方自作の パワーアンプ 製作例を紹介します。
OTL Asylum
2012年11月15日 · Actually here is the second SRPP OTL schematic which is much closer to original Philips OTL Amp from old B/W CRT TVs . It is with the same characteristic ineffiency as previous one , and is not OCL to , but now is with single B+ power source where B- is referenced directly to ground point .
SRPP - determining load and balancing - diyAudio
2010年3月6日 · The hand-written formula you attached is correct for an SRPP with unbypassed cathode, and an additional resistor in the anode equal to 2Rk. However, it doesn't make a lot of difference if you leave out the extra resistor, except for really low-mu triodes. Incidentally, both of the formulae you typed are correct!