Type SRs 8000 bucket-wheel excavator - Wikipedia
The Type SRs 8000 or less commonly known as the SRs 8000-class, [8] is a family of bucket-wheel excavators known for being one of the largest terrestrial vehicles ever made by man, with Bagger 293 its - "lead vessel" - being the largest ground vehicle in history. [9] .
Bucket-Wheel Excavators - TAKRAF GmbH
TAKRAF SRs 8000: The largest bucket-wheel excavator ever built. The TAKRAF SRs 8000, or more commonly known as the Bagger 293, stands out among the largest bucket-wheel excavators in the world. With a service weight of 14,000 t, it holds the title of one of the largest terrestrial vehicles ever built.
端口和资源 | SRS - ossrs.net
The resources of SRS. Ports. The ports used by SRS, kernel services: tcp://1935, for RTMP live streaming server. tcp://1985, HTTP API server, for HTTP-API, WebRTC, etc. tcp://8080, HTTP live streaming server, HTTP-FLV, HLS as such. udp://8000, WebRTC Media server. For optional HTTPS services, which might be provided by other web servers:
SRS视频媒体服务器-docker启动:更换默认端口时的错误_srs 端口 …
2023年8月9日 · SRS是一个视频直播开源代码的服务程序,由winlin同学,采用C++语言开发。第一个版本是2013-2014年发布,今年年初再次发布更新,工作中需要用到流媒体所以尝试使用SRS来搭建第一个流媒体服务器, ...
Bucket wheel excavator 21 780 - 14 520 m³/h | SRs 8000
Find out all of the information about the TAKRAF product: bucket wheel excavator 21 780 - 14 520 m³/h | SRs 8000. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
Type SRs 8000 bucket-wheel excavator - Wikiwand
The Type SRs 8000 or less commonly known as the SRs 8000-class, is a family of bucket-wheel excavators known for being one of the largest terrestrial vehicles ever made by man, with Bagger 293 its - "lead vessel" - being the largest ground vehicle in history.
World’s Largest Land Vehicle is an Excavator Called Bagger 293
2025年1月31日 · Built in 1995 by German mining equipment company TAKRAF, Bagger 293 can move 8.5 million cubic yards a day of overburden to reveal the coal seams at the open-pit Hambach coal mine. TAKRAF refers to...
SRS就是SFU,关于SFU的作用可以参考 这里。 目前主要的WebRTC服务器都是SFU服务器,会有 N*N 份流传输,比TURN少 N*(N-2) 份上行数据传输,能解决大部分的传输问题。 MCU Server: 多点控制服务,服务器将会议中的流合并成一路,这样浏览器只需要传输 N*2 份数据,上传一路下载一路数据。 但由于需要编解码,服务器支持的流的数量比SFU要少一个量级,只有在某些特定场景才会采用,具体参考 #3625. 我们重点介绍SFU的工作流,因为SFU是在WebTC服务器中使 …
TAKRAF: Building - Construction - DirectIndustry
Discover all the products from TAKRAF and see a list of their distributors. Contact the manufacturer directly for a quote.
Schaufelradbagger - lausitzerbergbau
Schaufelragbagger SR 6300, SRs 2400, SRs2000, SRs 1500, SRs 740 sind alles Tagebaubagger die in der DDR im Einsatz waren. SRs 8000 + VR Geplant waren ein SRs 8000 für den Tagebau Nochten mit der Nummer 1580 und dem Tagebau Jänschwalde mit der Nummer 1587 diese wurden aber storniert.