SS-100-X Lincoln became part of history with JFK tragedy
2013年11月20日 · The SS-100-X presidential car (the Lincoln’s Secret Service code name) in which JFK was killed began assembly at the Lincoln plant in Wixom, Mich. in January 1961. Hess & Eisenhardt of Cincinnati, Ohio, was responsible for the special “limousine” conversion, although the SS-100-X is more accurately described as a “parade car.”
One way or another, at the center of the crime of the century sits the Presidential Limousine SS-100-X, a custom-built 1961 Lincoln Continental stretch limousine designed by the Ford Motor company, customized and upholstered at Hess and Eisenhardt of Cincinnati, Ohio (more data in the "Origins" section at the bottom of the page), (now O'Gara H&E...
SS-100-X: America’s Most Historic, and Tragic Automobile
2022年4月1日 · At the time of his assassination the President along with his wife and Texas Governor John Connally and his wife were riding in SS-100-X, the Secret Service codename for Kennedy’s 1961 Lincoln Continental four-door convertible limousine.
Lincoln Continental - Wikipedia
SS-100-X is a 1961 Lincoln Continental limousine modified by Hess & Eisenhardt of Cincinnati, Ohio. Designed as an open car with a series of tops for inclement weather, the car was rebuilt with a permanent roof, armoring, and bulletproof glass …
肯尼迪遇刺时乘坐的林肯大陆后来怎么样了? - 哔哩哔哩
1961 年,肯尼迪就任总统不久,白宫便向福特汽车公司租用一台定制的林肯大陆敞篷轿车 - 特勤局登记代号 SS-100-X。 这台总统座驾加装了电话、爆闪灯和安保人员站台,后来还补装了液压升降机,这样总统先生的座位就可以升高,以便民众看到他。 这是美国历史上造价最高的总统乘用车之一,然而所有改造中缺少的配置有防弹装甲和防弹玻璃。 这台林肯大陆轿车的定制改装工程由俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的 Hess & Eisenhardt 公司承接。 原车被拉长了 3.5 英尺,按照白宫方面的要 …
President Kennedy Limousine Research - The Henry Ford
This 1961 limousine--dubbed X-100 by United States Secret Service agents--was designed and custom-built as a presidential parade car. An assassin shot John F. Kennedy in the Lincoln Continental in November 1963.
SS-100-X - The Kennedy Lincoln - Joe Sherlock
It was called SS-100-X, derived from the new 1961 Lincoln Continental. The completely redesigned slab-sided Lincoln was a design milestone and therefore, the perfect choice. The car was built by Ford's Advanced Vehicles Group assisted by the coachbuilder, Hess & Eisenhardt.
历代美国总统座驾一览,原来都被林肯、凯迪拉克“垄断”了 - 知乎
林肯大陆ss-100-x有两辆,均为总统服务。 由赫斯&艾森哈特进行改造,起初是一辆开放式汽车,也就是完全敞篷的车型。 因为在1963年肯尼迪总统遇刺后,便不再使用敞篷设计的车型。
80年11款,美国总统专用座驾大盘点 - 车家号
林肯大陆SS-100-X起初是辆极具争议性的总统座驾,因为1963年肯尼迪总统正是是坐在这款车上遭到射杀的,而部分人认为SS-100-X的可升高后座便是让枪手更容易得手的关键。 不过,SS-100-X其实还是颇有亮点的。 例如纯手工打造的林肯7.0升V8发动机可以输出350马力,为3.5吨重的SS-100-X提供了不俗的性能;而且车上的防弹透明车顶可以拆卸,车上也首次配备了特工专用的伸缩式站立平台。 而在肯尼迪遭暗杀后,SS-100-X就被重新设计,增加了加强版装甲与防爆油箱 …
1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine Used ... - The Henry Ford
2019年6月21日 · Use this Artifact Card to share this great find with others. From historic images to vivid descriptions, a record of rich detail is bundled inside a single card. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in this car on November 22, 1963.