Following is the text of the Secretarial Standard-2 (SS-2) on “General Meetings”, issued by the Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and approved by the Central Government. Adherence by a company to this Secretarial Standard is mandatory, as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
SS-2 prescribes a set of principles for convening and conducting General Meetings and matters related thereto. This Guidance Note sets out the explanations, procedures and practical aspects
SS-2导弹 - 百度百科
ss-2所作的主要改进是:改用头体分离方式,只有弹头飞向目标,从而降低了对弹体的结构强度要求;用受力式铝合金推进剂箱取代了ss-1的受力式外壳和悬挂式推进剂箱,大大减轻了结构质量;改善了发动机的性能,包括提高推力室压力和温度,加长喷管,改进 ...
如何评价SS-2导弹(苏联研发的导弹)? - 知乎
china实际操作了憎恶后,对弹道导弹非常感兴趣,就又向苏联索要憎恶的下一代,也就是SS-2 同胞。 SS-2 同胞实际就是枚拉长的V2,有更长的燃料箱和氧化剂箱,因此射程更远。当时苏联已经有了SS-1B 飞毛腿A,技术上实际更先进,但china嫌那东西射程太近,就不要 ...
ss什么含义啊?..好多人打ss什么的,代表什么含义啊?另求常用的缩写。。已知的:w8=wait=等b= back=3bot=bottom=下路rs=roshan=肉山np=no problem=没事ulti=ultimate=大招到底哪个意思啊。。。老外貌似对英雄缩写也不是很熟
The Secretarial Standard on General Meetings (SS-2) issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) under Section 118(10) of the Companies Act, 2013 has been effective since 1s July, 2015. Later on the SS-2 was revised by the lICSI, approved by the Central Government and made applicable w.e.f. 1 October, 2017.
污水处理中的“COD”、“BOD”、“SS”、“TN”、“TP”和“TDS”指的是什 …
SS是指悬浮在水中的固体物质,包括不溶于水中的无机物、有机物及泥砂、黏土、微生物等。 水中悬浮物含量是衡量水污染程度的指标之一。 TN:总氮量。 英文全称:Total Nitrogen。 TN是指水中各种形态无机和有机氮的总量。 包括NO3-、NO2-和NH4+等无机氮和蛋白质、氨基酸和有机胺等有机氮,以每升水含氮毫克数计算。 常被用来表示水体受营养物质污染的程度。
GAM SS-2 VHF Antenna - Sea-Tech Systems
The GAM SS-2 Marine VHF antenna is center tuned to 156.875 MHz; Hand-wound loading coil is factory tuned and tested to insure peak performance at a specified frequency; Stainless steel coil housing; Coil is hermetically sealed to prevent moisture damage; No ground plane required; L-Bracket Included!
- [PDF]
Following is the text of the Secretarial Standard-2 (SS-2) on “General Meetings”, issued by the Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and approved by the Central Government.
The Secretarial Standard on General Meetings (SS-2) issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) under Section 118(10) of the Companies Act, 2013 was first made applicable w.e.f. 1st July, 2015. Since then the SS-2 has been revised by the ICSI and approved by the Central Government under