AISI 304 vs 304L Stainless Steel Properties (UNS S30403) …
AISI 304 and 304L (SS304L) are austenitic stainless steels, and also known as 18/8 stainless steel. This article will introduce the differences between 304 and 304L stainless steel (304 vs 304L) from chemical composition, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and weldability.
304L不锈钢 - 百度百科
304L不锈钢也称为超低碳不锈钢,是一种通用性的 不锈钢材料,广泛地用于制作要求良好综合性能(耐腐蚀和成型性)的设备和 机件。 304L不锈钢是一种通用性的 不锈钢材料。 304 是一种通用性的 不锈钢,它广泛地用于制作要求良好综合性能(耐腐蚀和成型性)的设备和机件。 301 不锈钢在 形变 时呈现出明显的 加工硬化 现象,被用于要求较高强度的各种场合。 302 不锈钢实质上就是含碳量更高的 304不锈钢 的变种,通过冷轧可使其获得较高的强度。 302B 是一种 含硅量 …
What’s the Difference Between Grade 304 and 304L Stainless …
Grade 304L has a slight, but noticeable, reduction in key mechanical performance characteristics compared to the “standard” grade 304 stainless steel alloy. For example, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 304L is roughly 85 ksi (~586 MPa), less than the UTS of standard grade 304 stainless, which is 90 ksi (~620 MPa).
Comparing 304 vs 304L Stainless Steel: Key Differences and …
Sep 11, 2024 · 304 and 304L stainless steels are both corrosion-resistant and versatile. The main difference is carbon content: 304 has up to 0.08%, while 304L has up to 0.03%. This makes 304L better for welding and corrosive environments, though it’s slightly weaker.
304不锈钢和304L不锈钢的区别是带有“L”字母吗? - 知乎
304不锈钢是最常见最普遍的钢种,它的耐蚀、耐热、低温强度和机械特征都比较好,也可用于冲压,弯曲等热加工,不会出现热处理硬化现象。 304L不锈钢也被称为 超低碳不锈钢,在一般的使用状态下它的性能和304不锈钢是相似的。 中兴溢德小编再带您分析下两者不锈钢的区别在哪儿? 后面带“L”字母称为超低碳不锈钢,其碳含量也有所不同。 因为304L不锈钢的含碳量比304不锈钢低很多,其耐腐蚀性也比304不锈钢更好些,同时焊接性能也更好些。 304L不锈钢的强度比304 …
Stainless Steel 304L - 1.4307 Data Sheet - Materials UK
Type 304 stainless steel is an austenitic grade that can be severely deep drawn. This property has resulted in 304 being the dominant grade used in applications like sinks and saucepans. Type 304L is the low carbon version of 304. It is used in heavy …
Type 304 and 304L Stainless Steel Explained - ThoughtCo
Jan 11, 2020 · Type 304L stainless steel is an extra-low carbon version of the 304 steel alloy. The lower carbon content in 304L minimizes deleterious or harmful carbide precipitation as a result of welding. 304L can, therefore, be used "as welded" in severe corrosion environments, and it eliminates the need for annealing.
304、304L、304N、304H、304F、304D不锈钢的区别 - 华晓
304L不锈钢的国家标准是S30403,它是304不锈钢的超低碳版本,更低的碳含量带来更好的耐腐蚀性能和焊接性能。 304L不锈钢碳含量降低到0.03%以下,在增强不锈钢耐腐蚀性能的基础上,还改善了304不锈钢在450℃--860℃之间,由于敏化作用引起的碳化物析出以及焊接引起的晶间腐蚀等性能。 304L不锈钢在焊缝附近的热影响区中析出的碳化物减少到极少量,有限的提高了不锈钢的抗晶间腐蚀性能,延长了不锈钢焊接接触面的使用寿命。 304L不锈钢的延伸性能比304不锈钢 …
不锈钢 304 与 304L - 有什么区别? - 中华不锈钢
304L不锈钢:304L不锈钢是304不锈钢的低碳版本,其化学成分由18%铬(Cr)、8%镍(Ni)和高达0.03%碳(C)组成。 其他元素如锰 (Mn)、硅 (Si) 和磷 (P)。 不锈钢304与304L – 2.耐腐蚀性的差异:
SS304 / SS304L - metalspiping.com
Stainless steel 304L (SS304L) is an extra low-carbon variation of SS304 with a 0.03% maximum carbon content that eliminates carbide precipitation due to welding. Both SS304 and SS304L have excellent resistance to a wide range of atmospheric, chemical and petrochemical, and food industry corrosions.