P-700 Granit - Wikipedia
The P-700 Granit (Russian: П-700 "Гранит"; English: granite) is a Soviet and Russian naval anti-ship cruise missile. Its GRAU designation is 3M45, its NATO reporting name SS-N-19 Shipwreck. It comes in surface-to-surface and submarine-launched variants, and can also be used against ground targets. [2][3]
P-700 Granit/SS-N-19 “Shipwreck” - Missile Defense Advocacy …
2018年6月28日 · The P-700 Granit or the SS-N-19 Shipwreck is a Russian naval anti-ship cruise missile. It can be launched via ship or submarine but can also be used against ground targets. [i] The Granit was developed as a more successful turbojet alternative to the Bazalt in order to compete against the United States’ anti-ship weapons in the 1970’s.
P-700 Granit | Military Wiki | Fandom
The P-700 Granit (Russian: П-700 "Гранит"; English: granite) is a Soviet and Russian naval anti-ship cruise missile. Its GRAU designation is 3M45, its NATO reporting name SS-N-19 Shipwreck. It comes in AS CM and SLCM variants.
P-700花岗石导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
P-700花岗岩 (俄语: П-700 "Гранит"; 拉丁轉寫:P-700 Granit)是 苏联海军 与 俄罗斯海军 拥有的反舰 巡航导弹。 GRAU編號 (俄语:Индекс ГРАУ)3M45, 北约代号 SS-N-19 「Shipwreck」(船难)。 除了標準的海基版外,它还有空射和潜射版本。 P-700在1970年代開發,在 P-500 Bazalt 基础上发展而来,均为采用涡轮喷气引擎的重型超音速远程反舰导弹,計 …
Kirov-class battlecruiser - Wikipedia
The Kirov class's main weapons are 20 P-700 Granit (SS-N-19 Shipwreck) missiles mounted in deck, designed to engage large surface targets. Air defense is provided by twelve octuple S-300F launchers with 96 missiles and a pair of Osa-MA batteries with 20 missiles each.
P-700 3M-45 Granat SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK - Russian / Soviet …
The P-700 Granat [SSN-19 Shipwreck] was developed as a more successful turbojet alternative to the SSN-12 Sandbox, from which it was derived. Developed in the 1970's, the Shipwreck's initial employment was on the battle cruiser Kirov (later renamed Admiral Ushakov).
Oscar-class submarine - Wikipedia
The Oscar class was designed to attack NATO carrier battle groups using long-range P-700 Granit (SS-N-19 "Shipwreck") anti-ship missiles and targeting data provided by the EORSAT satellite system (via the submarine's "Punch Bowl" antenna).
P-700 (ミサイル) - Wikipedia
P-700「グラニート」 (ロシア語: П-700 «Гранит»ペー・スィミソート・グラニート)は、 ソビエト連邦 で開発された長射程型の 対艦ミサイル。 愛称は「御影石」の意味。 西側諸国 においては、 アメリカ国防総省 (DoD)識別番号としては SS-N-19 、 NATOコードネーム では「シップレック」(英語 で「難破船」の意味)と呼ばれた。 P-700は、 チェロメイ設計局 (現 機械製 …
SS-N-19 missile - Academic Kids
The P-700 Granit (NATO reporting name SS-N-19 Shipwreck) is a Russian naval anti-ship missile. It comes in ASCM and SLCM variants. The P-700 was designed in the 1970s to replace the SS-N-7 Starbright and SS-N-9 Siren, both effective missiles but with too short a range in the face of improving weapons of US Navy carrier battle groups.
SS-N-19 Shipwreck [P-700 Granit] (1984) - cmano-db.com
OVERVIEW: The SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK (P-700 Granit) is a ramjet-powered supersonic surface-to-surface anti-ship missile with a 750 hg high explosive or 500 kt nuclear warhead and an active S-band area search and X-band terminal attack phase radars.