SS13 WebMap - GitHub Pages
This is a small project made by me to help newcomers learn the SS13 maps easier. How do I get a map here? Read the document linked on the How to get your map on here button. How often is this updated? All current codebases will automatically update any time a map edit on a specific codebase is made. Why do some servers have fancy names and icons?
Maps - Space Station 13 Wiki - Goonstation Forums
Find your bearings with a clickable image map: This map is interactive! Click an area on this map to go to its page. For a guided tour of the station, start a tour with the station's local robot tour guide. Clarion zoomable map. Clarion's departments are roughly shaped like a rectangular box with wings hanging off the side:
Monkestation Webmap
SS13 Web based map viewer built by AffectedArc07. SS13 Web based map viewer built by AffectedArc07. Monkestation Webmap. Created by AffectedArc07. Special thanks to Letter_N (For HTML theming). GitHub Donate. arrow_drop_downIn Rotation.
SS13 WebMap
This is a small project made by me to help newcomers learn the SS13 maps easier. How do I get a map here? Read the document linked on the How to get your map on here button. How often is this updated? All current codebases will automatically update any time a map edit on a specific codebase is made. Why do some servers have fancy names and icons?
SS13 WebMap
This is a small project made by me to help newcomers learn the SS13 maps easier. How do I get a map here? Read the document linked on the How to get your map on here button. How often is this updated? All current codebases will automatically update any time a map edit on a specific codebase is made.
A project I made to make learning the SS13 maps easier. All ... - GitHub
This is a web-map for SS13 based off of LeafletJS, with a backend made in ASP.Net. If you want to submit a map, please see MAP_REQUESTING.MD
Mapping - Space Station 13 Wiki - Goonstation Forums
Using the power of mapping, you can create stations, prefabs, random rooms, and adventure zones. There's a lot to do, and not all of it is easy to grasp straight away, but if you stick with it, you'll be mapping like a pro in no time. Look at the coding guide for how to download and set up a local Goonstation repository to start mapping on.
SS13 WebMap | Monke | Meta Station - maps.monkestation.com
SS13 Web based map viewer built by AffectedArc07. SS13 Web based map viewer built by AffectedArc07. 97,145 + ...
Maps — SS220 /tg/station13 (Space Station 13)
There are in-game maps and direction signposts on the walls of the station to help you find your way. The escape shuttle has more seats, a large cargo bay, and larger medbay, brig, and bridge. Feedback is welcome in this thread on the tgstation forums.
Maps - SS13 Polaris
2024年11月14日 · This page is for the in-game station map. For the map of the galaxy in-universe, see Map. The map, Cynosure Station, is divided across three floors. North of the station There is also a plains, wilderness and caves level for exploration but these are largely randomly generated and cannot be accurately mapped.