ss14由mdd(辰达半导体)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。ss14价格参考¥0.0452。mdd(辰达半导体) ss14参数名称:二极管配置:独立式;正向压降(vf):550mv@1a;直流反向耐压(vr):40v;整流电流:1a;反向电流(ir):300ua@40v。
SS14 Datasheet (PDF) - Fairchild Semiconductor
Description: 1.0 Ampere Schottky Barrier Rectifiers. Manufacturer: Fairchild Semiconductor.
SS14 onsemi | Discrete Semiconductor Products | DigiKey
SS14 – Diode 40 V 1A Surface Mount DO-214AC (SMA) from onsemi. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 2 of this data sheet. Per JESD51−3 recommended thermal test board. Device mounted on FR−4 PCB, board size = 76.2 mm x 114.3 mm. Thermocouple soldered at cathode lead.
SS14 Schottky Diode Pinout, Datasheets, Features & Alternatives
2019年8月7日 · SS14 is a surface mount High Power Schottky Rectifier with a Low voltage drop of 0.5V and a high forward current of 1A. The Diode has high efficiency and High surge current capability of 30A. It is commonly used in high-frequency Inverters, Polarity …
SS12 thru SS14 SS15 and SS16 T J = 25 °C f = 1.0 MHz V sig = 50 mV p-p. SS12, SS13, SS14, SS15, SS16 www.vishay.com Vishay General Semiconductor Revision: 23-Apr-2020 4 Document Number: 88746 For technical questions within your region: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Schottky Diodes & Schottky Rectifiers | SS14 - onsemi
The clip bonded leg structure provides high thermal performance and low electrical resistance. this rectifier is exclusively suits for free wheeling, secondary rectification and reverse polarity …
SS14: Features, Alternative Models, Working Principle, Package Type
SS14 is a Schottky diode, also known as Schottky barrier diode or fast recovery diode. This diode is a semiconductor device. The working principle of Schottky diodes is based on the Schottky barrier, which is formed by the contact between metal and semiconductor.
防止DC电源反接的方法——SS14的用法 - CSDN博客
2013年4月15日 · 在这种整流桥式的防护电路中用的比较多的肖特基二极管是SS14。 同系列的有SS12、S13、S14、S15、S16、SS18、S100。 后面一个数值分别表示反向耐压值 (Maximum Repetitive Reverse Voltage),SS12反向耐压为20V,S100反向耐压值为100V。 SS和SK 是一样的,sk1*平均整形正向电流 (Average Rectified Forward Current)是1A,sk3*是3A,sk5x是5A,sk1x后面的x是对应的电压.因为sk**和1N58指标相似,所以一般互用。 1N58系列是直插芯 …
SK14和SS14 區別, SK14 替代型號 - FindIC.tw
肖特基势垒整流器二极管 - SS 系列 HY Electronic (Cayman) Limited SS 系列二极管是表面安装肖特基势垒整流器。 它们采用 SMA、SMB 或 SMC 设计。 反向电压范围从 20 V 到 100 V,具有不同的正向电流,从 1 A 到 5 A。 应用包括:自由轮转、反相器和极性保护。 金属半导体接线,带防护装置 硅外延结构 低正向电压降 模制塑料箱(塑料:易燃性等级 UL 94V-0) 极性:通过阴极带指示 ### 二极管和整流器,HY Electronic (Cayman) Ltd ### 二极管和整流器,HY Electronic …