Super Saiyan Blue OR Super Saiyan 4? : r/dbz - Reddit
2019年8月13日 · I really do prefer Super Saiyan 4. Blue is cool in its own right, and they did some cool things with it, but I genuinely prefer 4. I know the design is hit or miss with a lot of people, but I really like it. Even if the fur being specifically red doesn't make a …
is ssj4 stronger than ssj blue? : r/dragonball - Reddit
I do think Super saiyan 4 is way better design wise, and even has more of a presence, since blue is just a palette swap. In conclusion, sure Blue is stronger but Ssj4 is the best ;) .
r/dragonball on Reddit: Blue vs SSJ4
Blue is definitely stronger but i think ss4 has better stamina and less power drain.
Am I stupid or is blue actually stronger than SSJ4? - Reddit
2023年8月6日 · Power Wise, blue is obviously stronger. The reason SSG and SSJ4 are more respected is because those forms are less straining and more efficient to use compared to blue. SSG and SSJ4 put less burden on the body compared to blue.
Which is cooler Super Sayian Blue or Super Sayian 4? : r/dbz - Reddit
Blue is just a re color of Super Saiyan so Super Saiyan 4 is more visually appealing.
SS4 Blue : r/SparkingZero - Reddit
But SS4, isn't really the form after 3. It's just a different thing. It's name was more about establishing it as being more powerful than SS3. If they were a SS Oozaru, and they channel God ki, it again makes sense that it would be a Blue Oozaru. But SS4 Hair is Base color, with red fur.
Why Blue is stronger than SSJ4 : r/dragonball - Reddit
2021年5月31日 · Not that I disagree with the idea that Blue is stronger than SS4 but I feel 4,000x isn't an accurate assertion of SS4. Wouldn't Oozaru Baby Vegeta be 10x stronger than Baby Vegeta? And Baby wrecked SS3 Goku.
Why do DBZ fans insist that super saiyan 4 is on the same ... - Reddit
This is not a troll post. I've seen DBGT fans put SSj4 GT Goku against super saiyan blue Super Goku even though in the anime, super Goku absorbed super saiyan god to his base which made him multi-universal, as stated by the narrator, which in turn made him vastly surpass even omega shenron. Okay, he may have been comparable to super goku from the MANGA but that was 5 years ago, when there was ...
Is gogeta blue better than gogeta ssj4 or is gogeta ssj4 ... - Reddit
2022年1月8日 · SS4 is probably generally better. Better overall frame data, an actually usable command grab, and comparable damage and the Ex lariot is pretty busted. Gogeta blue has gotten some crazy good synergy with the new tag changes and at lower levels his 2M feels ridiculously busted when it jails and punishes when you feel you should be able to reflect. But in comparison to SS4 he needs a team around ...
Here's my take on Super Saiyan Blue 4 Gogito (SSJ4 Gogeta-SSB …
2020年1月13日 · Here's my take on Super Saiyan Blue 4 Gogito (SSJ4 Gogeta-SSB Vegito) Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by: Best Open comment sort options [deleted]