Fused Code Sans - Gods and Mortals Wiki
Fused Code Sans is a huge risk to Infinity Code's existence, and is a HUGE priority. SS808(friend/ally) [] They met, and became friends. Fused Code Sans was chilling in the firewall and saw SS808. despite feeling his immense power, they chatted. He was the first person he revealed his own destiny to, so he trusts SS808. Infinity Zenith(Friend ...
SS808 - 哔哩哔哩
SS防御超越了虚构的法则,比如真神、控制、alpha404(fannon,王真逆、神元病毒808以及以下所有的东西都不能物理伤害SS808,所有的力量和能力都不能伤害SS808,他基本上是无敌的,不能受到任何形式的攻击,不能被黑客攻击,不能被删除等等,只有像吞噬神这样的 ...
User blog:Author the false one/SS808 - Fandom
SS808 is actually a rare character to see onto a few gods in the Godverse know about him like king Godverse,4th breaker z sans, the creator and ect. Sometimes SS808 when he gets way to excited he releases a lot of his power which can destroy multiverses and kill people around him.
Soul Shattered 808 (SS808) 機翻 (TGV) - 哔哩哔哩
2025年2月9日 · SS808 免疫旁路是每個多元宇宙和 Godverse 中最強的,他的旁路免疫是 Godverse 中第二強的,他可以傷害任何具有免疫力的生物,就像他可以一擊擊殺第四破壞者免疫力一樣. 上帝重置. 這個按鈕可以讓他執行以下操作.
Password Sans - Godverse Wiki
Samsons meet Password sans by chance and they just see Password as a kid, usually ignored if he doesn't get to the point. Omni code (Wants to make friends with him)
blackgod!sans简单介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
bg和ss808的关系很好。ta们是在godverse认识的,ta们的友谊建立得很顺利,毕竟都向往着和平。bg也会经常帮助ss808,并且非常信任ss808. bg和4th breakerZ,The Observer是盟友关系,bg有帮助他们管理现实与虚拟的事情,他们也视bg为朋友。
Hacker 2.0 | Gods and Mortals Wiki | Fandom
Balance Sans (Manipulation Object) [] When hacker understand that in godverse named balance, he started to interesting in him and finally get that he wanted to manipulate Balance Sans SS808 (good friend) [] They meet when hacker was doing his goal, they quick became friends and for now hacker’s goal is to make SS808 mad
SS808 vs The Forever Error! - Fandom
2022年2月2日 · Forever Error does not use melee weapons, giving the edge to SS808. Blast/ranged weapons: SS808 Is a powerful user with Blast and range weaponry. SS808 Can fire a ray so powerful it can tear reality.
@enderblog128 on Tumblr
SS808/Axel new design is here! Welcome to the Offical Staffverse Tumblr. This is an Alphatale AU that my friends and I have created. We have many characters and a current story. We've had help from @vibeless15, the creator of Alphatale and I want to take the time here to thank him for all his help and support.
SS808 Sans - YouTube
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