Form SSA-7050 | Request for Social Security Earnings Information
You can view your personal Social Security Statement (Statement) online by creating a personal my Social Security account with us. Your online Statement displays your yearly earnings history free of charge but does not show any employer information. Your Statement al-so gives you access to estimates for retirement, disability, and survivors ...
Request for a Social Security Statement (SSA-7004)
If you would like to receive your Social Security Statement by mail, please print and complete a "Request For Social Security Statement" (Form SSA-7004) and mail it to the address provided on the form. You should receive your paper Social Security Statement in the mail in four to six weeks.
I have examined your statement (or record) of my Social Security earnings and it is not correct. I am providing the following information and accompanying evidence so that you can correct my record.
Social Security Administration. REQUEST FOR SOCIAL SECURITY EARNINGS INFORMATION. Form Approved OMB No. 0960-0525 *Use This Form If You Need. 1. Certified/Non-Certified Detailed Earnings Information. Includes periods of employment or self-employment and the names and addresses of employers. OR. 2. Certified Yearly Totals of Earnings
We will use the information you provide to make a determination of eligibility to receive, or the right to continue receiving, Social Security benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments. We may also share your information for the following purposes, called routine uses: .
SSA - POMS: RM 01310.005 - General Description of Form SSA …
SSN holders having only non-covered earnings will be sent an SSA-L7005-SM-SI automatically. This one-page Statement explains that the SSN holder’s earnings do not qualify for Social Security benefits. However, the SSN holder may become eligible in the future should he or she earn wages covered by Social Security.
Within four to six weeks after you return this form, we will send you: a record of your earnings history; an estimate of how much you have paid in Social Security taxes; and estimates of benefits you (and your family) may be eligible for now and in the future.
20 CFR § 422.520 - LII / Legal Information Institute
The following forms are used by the Social Security Administration and by the public in connection with the maintenance of earnings records of wage-earners and self-employed persons:
Social Security Forms | SSA
If you can't find the form you need, or you need help completing a form, please call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or contact your local Social Security office and we will help you. If you download, print and complete a paper form, please mail or take it to your local Social Security office or the office that requested it from you.
SSA - POMS: RM 01301.015 - SSA-7004-PC-SM Form Numbers, …
People who want to request a Social Security Statement can get a paper SSA-7004-SM-OP1 request form by calling the SSA toll-free 800 number, by calling, writing or visiting their local SSA office, or by downloading the form from SSA’s Internet website.