Social Security number & card | SSA
Manage your Social Security number, which is your first and continuous connection to us. Replace your card if it's lost, stolen, or damaged and you need it to get something done. Request a Social Security number if you don't have one.
my Social Security | SSA
A free and secure my Social Security account provides personalized tools for everyone, whether you receive benefits or not. You can use your account to request a replacement Social Security card, check the status of an application, estimate future benefits, or manage the benefits you already receive.
Request a Social Security number | SSA
Request a number for free if you do not have one. A Social Security number is a 9-digit number that’s unique to you. You may need your Social Security number to: If you’re in the U.S., you can apply online, then go to a local Social Security office to provide your documentation.
The United States Social Security Administration | SSA
Learn how to make or change an appointment at a local office. Find out what you can do with an account and access personalized online services. Learn how to identify and report scams. Improving performance to serve our customers. We have …
Replace Social Security card | SSA
Tell the representative you want to request a replacement Social Security card. Call TTY +1 800-325-0778 if you're deaf or hard of hearing. Request a replacement if your Social Security card …
Make or change an appointment | SSA
Get or replace a Social Security card. Update contact information. Change your name. Check your application status. Update direct deposit. Some tasks start online and need to be finished in an office, but starting online saves time. We’ll help you schedule an appointment to …
Social Security
2021年9月18日 · You only need one Login.gov or ID.me account. If you already have a Login.gov or ID.me account, do not create a new one. You can use your existing account to access Social Security services.
A Faster and More Convenient Way to Request a Social Security Number ...
2025年1月10日 · Do you need an original Social Security number or a replacement Social Security card? We offer a faster and more convenient way for you to start – and possibly finish – the application online.
Contact Social Security | SSA
Our website, www.ssa.gov, is the best way to get help. If you cannot use our website, please call our National 800 Number or your local Social Security office. We can often help by phone and save you a trip to an office. If you need in-person help, you …
Social Security Number Prefix List - SSOfficeLocator.org
Your 9 digit Social Security number helps the government accurately record your covered wages or self-employment earnings. They also use it to monitor your record once you start getting benefits. Why do you need a Social Security number? You need a SSN to get a job, collect benefits and get some other government services.