An NE602 SSB Design from China: The KN-Q7 by BA6BF
2017年5月9日 · Some of the NE602 rig designs run an electret mic right into the NE602 balanced modulator with no mic amp. For a few days I had my amplified D-104 mic running into the NE602 in this way. I too found that I was having to "loud talk" into the mic.
来自PA1DSP的文章【为什么不要使用NE602】 - 矿石收音机
2022年3月1日 · ne602所体现的双差分式双平衡混频器结构,早已应用在各种模拟单片收音机的集成电路中,ne602只不过是可以独立使用的单元电路而已。 评分 1
SSB Transceiver, 7MHz, 50 Watts, with Dual-DDS-System
NE602 has been designed for mobile phone applications and not for shortwave radios. Its IMD 3 is only -15dBm whereas it is able to detect weak signals (-119dBm with an S/N ratio of 12 dB) according to datasheet .
『转帖』NE602 简介 - 〓晶体管与集成〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2008年10月4日 · NE602 是内含本地振荡的单晶片变频器,在超外差式接收机或发射机中,它可以扮演 变频器的角色,独挑中频线路。 除此之外,他也可以供做简易的频谱分析仪。 从极低的频率到极高频率范围内的接收 机中,都可拿它用做接收机的前端 (FRONT ENDED) 线路,甚至,以此 IC 为中心, 便可以单独地完成一部简易的接收机。 功能强,是它被广泛应用的主因,但是,这只 IC 更大的特色是,容易使用,即使在 没有任何测试仪器的协助下,也不难利用此 IC,去完成一 …
A “lean design” SSB-Transceiver for 14 MHz - DK7IH
2019年5月12日 · On the other hand NE602 gives a good sensitivity which makes it ideal for radios on the higher bands where signal levels are not so high. The NE602 has a balanced input AND a balanced output. This allows the designer to get two different signal sources to the input then subsequently mixed with the oscillator signal.
diy单边带接收机 - 〓晶体管与集成〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered …
2019年6月9日 · 之后发现BA6BF的7兆收发信机电路更简单,充分利用了NE602的振荡功能,于是画了一块板子,规规矩矩地做一遍,本振用3块11.0592的晶振并联,加电感拉偏,变容管调谐,中频是用4兆晶振,拉偏工作在3.9985MHz,如此一来,大概能覆盖7.048~7.055MHz,包含了国内火腿常用的7.050MHz,这正是我想要的,这块板子有点错误,TDA2822自激,原因是:我把TDA2822的供电由78L09提供,实际上78L09只能提供最大100mA电流,TDA2822供电不足 …
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - QRP and DIY - 再谈NE602做单边带调制,让大家重新认识NE602 …
2025年3月13日 · 在ft-857d中,这一片ne602不仅用来做ssb解调,同时还被用来做ssb的调制。 也就是说,kn-q7/q8中一片ne602同时做ssb解调和调制的做法,事实上在几年前ft-857上就已经成功应用了。
The NE602 device is a monolithic integrated circuit containing a dou ble-balanced mixer (DBM) and on in ternal oscillator circuit. The DBM hos balanced inputs (pins 1 and 2). bal anced outputs (pins 4 and 5). and con operate at up to 500 MHz. The internal oscillator circuit provides· an emitter connection and a base connection to the outside world.
transistor works in an area of their linear curve for suitable for signal amplification for SSB. This mode of amplification is referred to as "AB". The quiescent current of Q7 (no signal applied to the audio input) is measured directly in the collector circuit of Q7 via the jumper J2. A suitable current measuring meter should be connected
NE602变频+1350中放+NE602解调的SSB机请教? - HELLOCQ
2009年8月2日 · 据说正确ssb解调叫拍频,是补回载频,虽然也是差出来,不过叫补更好理解,cw的音调也是差出来的…