Ship-to-Shore Connector - Wikipedia
The Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC), also known as the LCAC 100 class, [6] is a system proposed by the United States Navy as a replacement for the Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC). [7] It will offer an increased capacity to cope with the growing weight of equipment used by the United States Army and Marine Corps. [ 5 ]
Ship to Shore Connector (SSC) - Naval Sea Systems Command
The Ship to Shore Connector (SSC) is the evolutionary replacement for the existing fleet of Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) vehicles, which are nearing the end...
SSC / LCAC Comparison - Naval Sea Systems Command
The SSC has similar dimensions and clearances to the LCAC, which ensures the compatibility of SSC with existing well deck equipped amphibious ships. SSC will be able to embark aboard and...
Ship to Shore Connector (SSC) > United States Navy > Displayy …
2020年8月21日 · The Ship to Shore Connector (SSC) is the evolutionary replacement for the existing fleet of Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) vehicles, which are nearing the end of their...
Navy Accepts Delivery of Ship to Shore Connector, Landing Craft, …
The U.S. Navy accepted the delivery of the latest Ship to Shore Connector (SSC), LCAC 110, from Textron Systems on Sept. 6. This new addition to the fleet signifies a substantial enhancement in...
The U.S. Navy Accepted Delivery Of A New SSC - Naval News
2021年6月4日 · The SSC program is now in serial production with LCACs 103-115 making progress on the production lines at Textron Systems in Slidell, Louisiana. SSC training craft, LCACs 100 and 101 are in the initial operator training pipeline and are in post-delivery test and trials at Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division.
Ship to Shore Connector (SSC) approaches IOC - Naval News
2023年1月13日 · The US Navy’s Ship to Shore Connector (SSC) programme is set to achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC) later this year following the completion of test and trials activities using early production craft built by Textron Systems.
美軍SSC新型氣墊登陸艇獲進展 今年9月完成部署準備 - 自由軍武 …
2024年6月26日 · 美軍正執行新一代氣墊登陸艇換裝計劃,美國《星條旗報》24日報導,美國審計署(gao)近期發布報告揭示,新型「艦岸運輸艇」(ssc)因技術與研發問題而延宕4年,但在各項問題獲得解決後,可望於本月底通過初始作戰測評,並於9月完成部署準備。
The SSC is a fully amphibious air cushion vehicle similar to the Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC). Compared to the LCAC, the SSC is intended to have increased payload, range, availability, and the ability to operate in a greater range of environmental conditions.
Combat Development & Integration > Units > MEXW > Surface …
The Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC) program is developing a replacement for the in-service LCACs and LCAC (SLEP) as these craft reach the end of their service lives....