x86 64 - Do all 64 bit intel architectures support …
2015年1月28日 · For example, the Valve Hardware Survey puts SSE4.1 at 77%, SSE 4.2 at 72% (anything from AMD or Intel with SSE4.1 is going to also have SSE3 and SSSE3). UPDATE: …
How do I enable SSE4.1 and SSE3 (but NOT AVX) in MSVC
2020年9月24日 · Note I marked automatic in bold. Microsoft compiler doesn’t do runtime dispatch or cpuid checks, and the automatic vectorizer doesn’t use SSE3 or 4.1. If you’re writing …
c - SSE 4.1 vs SSE 4.2 - Stack Overflow
2023年12月28日 · In general it's impossible to answer your question (whether SSE 4.1 or 4.2 is faster) based on the info you have provided. Here are the factors which influence the final …
Does a processor that supports SSE4 support SSSE3 instructions?
2018年3月8日 · I didn't find anything in the manual that enables me to make that conclusion. At the same time, I don't know of any processor that supports SSSE3, SSE4.1, or SSE4.2, but …
Horizontal minimum and maximum using SSE - Stack Overflow
SSE 4.1 has an instruction that does almost what you want. Its name is PHMINPOSUW, C/C++ intrinsic is _mm_minpos_epu16. It is limited to 16-bit unsigned values and cannot give …
Dot product performance with SSE instructions: is DPPS worth using?
2016年6月18日 · The real problem with _mm_dp_ps is as part of SSE 4.1, you can't count on it being supported on every even modern PC (Valve's Steam Hardware Survey pegs it at about …
Disable SSE4.1 when compiling TensorFlow - Stack Overflow
2017年1月4日 · This line in tensorflow/tensorflow.bzl is responsible for enabling SSE 4.1 instructions in all x86 builds. If you delete that line, the resulting build should work on your …
How should SSE flags be added with modern CMake?
2018年6月20日 · So, how then, when my target depends on SSE 4.1, should I be declaring this information? I was actually expecting FindSSE to include an interface target with no source but …
does the game require sse 4.1 instructions or not? - EA Answers HQ
If you're using an AMD Phenom II CPU, to me it doesn't look like you'll be able to run the game. Seeing as Phenom II doesn't support SSE 4.1 and is one generation behind the FX series (the …
Visual Studio VC2013 enabling SSE4.1 without AVX
2015年8月24日 · thanks, that's already quite helpful! I took this example further and tried it to compile with /arch:IA32 parameter and it also compiles and works- while MS says "you must …