Is Ultra Instinct powerful than Super Saiyan Blue - Reddit
2023年11月2日 · Using UI with other forms seems to be a lesser boost than the omen transformation (anime), the manga one is pretty weak over blue (probably) so Blue+Ui should be faster at the least.
What are the differences between all forms of UI?
2021年10月19日 · UI as a technique can also be used with the other forms, but it isn't stacking Super Saiyan or God on top of the Silver Eye/Hair forms. Super Saiyan Blue with UI has the power level of a super saiyan blue with the automated precise response of ultra instinct.
Can you combine any version of ultra instinct with SSJ?
2023年1月21日 · Goku demonstrated in the manga that you can absolutely combine the technique with Super Saiyan forms. However, the ultra instinct transformations (i.e. Omen, MUI) are still going to be way more powerful. the technique can be used in any form. but UI is also a transformation that currently does not appear to be able to combine with other forms. Yep.
Dragon Ball Super 72: Goku Combines UI and Super Saiyan God - Epic Dope
2021年5月25日 · In Chapter 72 Granolah’s overwhelming power forces Goku to unleash Ultra Instinct & Super Saiyan God transformation, can he defeat Granolah?
Goku Super all forms to SSJ2-3 and UI-MUI - GameBanana
Allows you to transform from base/SSJ/God/blue to SSJ2-3-UI and MUI... A Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO (DBSZ) Mod in the Transformations category, submitted by Fast21834
Goku Super all forms to SSJ2-3 and UI-MUI - Nexus Mods
2024年11月22日 · Allows you to transform from base/SSJ/God/blue to SSJ2-3-UI and MUI and optional for only UI and MUI that not included SSJ2-3
How does Goku's super saiyan blue kaioken compare with …
SSJB is all about ki control and utilizing God Ki. A superior form of SSJB must definitely have better Ki control and a better utilization of God ki. So Vegeta might very likely be able to get a lot stronger in his new form compared to Goku getting stronger in …
Do you think Goku can combine UI with SSJ? | Fandom
2021年6月12日 · Ultra Instinct (As a technique) can be added to various Super Saiyan forms, such as SSG and SSB. But Ultra Instinct (As a transformation, similar to what we saw in the T.O.P) can not. The Omen Version and Mastered Version have been named as Goku's limit breaks, meaning they're now just advanced forms of god transformations, and now just Goku ...
Super Saiyan Blue và Ultra Instinct ai mạnh hơn? - Dragon Ball …
2017年12月23日 · SSJ Blue được cho là trạng thái Super Saiyan của Super Saiyan God. Tức là God coi là bình thường (base form) thì SSJ Blue coi là Super Saiyan. Điều này đã được xác nhận vì chính cái tên ban đầu của SSJ Blue là Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, sau này vì dài quá nên Whis mới rút gọn còn Super Saiyan Blue.
Gogeta Blue VS Ultra Instinct Goku : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
2019年3月31日 · SSJ3 is a 8x boost over SSJ and Blue is atleast 50x SSG based on the Kefla fight. The SSG was like the biggest powerup in the whole series back in the first arc, but nowadays it's barely above SSJ3. Ignoring that, SSB is atleast a 400 times powerup over SSJ. UI was a huge powerup over SSBKKx20, but i don't think it is anywhere near 100x.