SSL Hijacking - Invicti
SSL hijacking is a type of attack where the attacker generates fake certificates for the domains of HTTPS sites the victim attempts to visit. As a result, the victim assumes they have a secure connection to the target site, but in reality, they have a secure connection to a cloned or proxy site controlled by the attacker.
Common Attacks on SSL/TLS – and How to Protect Your System
2022年8月29日 · So here's a summary of some of the most famous attacks targeting these protocols: BEAST (disclosed in 2011) allowed a man-in-the-middle attacker to discover encrypted information from an SSL/TLS session. It impacted SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0. This attack depended on the implementation of the block cipher used by TLS.
Awesome SSL/TLS Hacks - GitHub
GitHub - lennysec/awesome-tls-hacks: A collection of SSL/TLS security related resources. Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. Klima, Vlastimil, Ondrej Pokorný, and Tomáš Rosa. …
什么是 SSL 劫持,如何检测? - SSL 龙 - SSL Dragon
SSL 劫持指的是不同的技术,包括窃取会话 cookie 或 ID、利用 SSL/TLS 实现 中的漏洞(如协议降级),以及操纵证书验证过程以获得未经授权的访问或拦截安全连接。
SSL 攻击和漏洞 - 基本指南 - SSL Dragon
SSL 攻击 利用 SSL/TLS 协议中的漏洞威胁数据安全。 它们通过各种方法进行操作,如 SSL 剥离 、 中间人 攻击 和 降级攻击。 本文介绍不同的 SSL 攻击类型 及其影响数据安全的最常见变体。 它还提供预防解决方案,确保您的在线存在和浏览安全,不受黑客攻击。
GitHub - tls-attacker/TLS-Attacker: TLS-Attacker is a Java-based ...
TLS-Attacker is a Java-based framework for analyzing TLS libraries. It is able to send arbitrary protocol messages in an arbitrary order to the TLS peer, and define their modifications using a provided interface. This gives the developer an opportunity to easily define a custom TLS protocol flow and test it against his TLS library.
The Most Common SSL and TLS Attacks - Venafi
Learn about the common SSL and TLS attacks, including phishing, SSL stripping attacks and man in the middle attacks, so you are ready to prevent them. What kind of attacks does SSL prevent? What is Advanced Persistent Malware? What are SSL Stripping Attacks? What are Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks? What are self-signed wildcard certificates?
What is an SSL Stripping Attack? Risks and Prevention Explained
2025年3月13日 · SSL stripping, also known as HTTPS downgrade attack, is a cyberattack technique that allows attackers to force a secure HTTPS connection to downgrade to an …
Is it possible to hack an SSL certificate? - Namecheap Blog
2021年1月28日 · The short answer is that while it is technically possible to hack an SSL, the probability of it happening is incredibly slim. In this article, we’ll be going over why SSL certificates are incredibly difficult to compromise, as well as how when somebody thinks their SSL has been hacked, it’s more than likely due to another issue.
web application - What can an attacker do with a stolen SSL private key ...
Part of the reason to use an SSL certificate is to uniquely authenticate yourself to the clients connecting to your server. If the private key is stolen, a hacker can create a Man-In-the-Middle …