P-15 Termit - Wikipedia
Iraqi forces combined SS-N-2 (P-15 Termit) launched from Tu-22, Exocet missiles launched from Mirage F1 and Super Etendard, as well as Silkworm missiles and C-601 missiles launched from Tu-16 and H-6 bombers, bought from the Soviet Union and China to engage the Iranian Navy and tankers carrying Iranian oil.
SS-N-2冥河航导弹 - 哔哩哔哩
革命性的Raduga P-15 Termit(西方报道名称SS-N-2或Styx)是第一枚成功实现作战服务的反舰巡航导弹。 这并不是第一种此类武器,但以前的此类导弹,如P-1斯特雷尔卡(SS-N-1或洗涤器)在服役中寿命很短。
苏联反舰导弹(2)SS-N-2“冥河”反舰导弹。 - 哔哩哔哩
蚕式导弹在海外的战绩 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
蚕式导弹,是国内80年代出口中东地区的早期海鹰2号,其技术源自苏联ssn-2冥河反舰导弹,因其弹身粗且短,因此被西方俗称为蚕式反舰导弹。 在苏联SSN-2冥河反舰导弹基础上,海鹰2号加大了燃料装载量,重新设计了弹…
Form SSA-2 | Information You Need to Apply for Spouse's or …
Whether you have earned Social Security credits under another country's social security system; Whether you qualified for or expect to receive a pension or annuity based on your own employment with the Federal government of the United …
I apply for all insurance benefits for which I am eligible under Title II (Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) and Part A of Title XVIII (Health Insurance for the Aged and Disabled) of the Social Security Act, as presently amended. Supplement.
USEPA/SSN2: SSN2: Spatial Modeling on Stream Networks in R - GitHub
SSN2 is an R package for spatial statistical modeling and prediction on stream networks, including models based on in-stream distance. Models are created using moving average constructions. Spatial linear models, including explanatory variables, can be fit with (restricted) maximum likelihood. Mapping and other graphical functions are included.
保姆级教程来了!手把手教你如何申请ssn、itin - 知乎
2024年3月25日 · 社会保障号码(Social Security number, SSN)是美国联邦政府发给本国公民、永久居民、临时(工作)居民的一组九位数字号码,这组数字由联邦政府社会保障局(Social Security Administration,简称SSA)针对个人发行。
“蚕”式反舰导弹 - 百度百科
中国“蚕式”反舰导弹指的就是“海鹰”-2(hy-2)反舰导弹,是基于原苏联544导弹进行改型,增加射程、弹上成件与“海鹰一号”通用的原则。 1966年被命名为“海鹰二号”导弹。
AN/SSN-2 - Precise Integrated Navigation System - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · Comprising commercial hardware (SATNAV/GPS, Loran C, Hyper-Fix and a Doppler Sonar navigator), integrated and controlled by dedicated MCM software, this system provides the means to locate the ship...