USS Missouri (SSN-780) - Wikipedia
USS Missouri (SSN-780) is the seventh Virginia -class attack submarine and the fourth ship in the United States Navy named in honor of the U.S. state of Missouri. [2] She was completed, and delivered, nine months early and under budget.
密苏里号核潜艇 (SSN-780) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
密苏里号 (SSN-780) 是第七艘 弗吉尼亚级 攻击型核潜艇,是美国海军第四艘以密苏里州命名的船只。 [2] 它比规定时间提前九个月完成交付,费用也比预想花得少。
Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet > SUBPAC …
USS MISSOURI (SSN 780) Commissioned July 31, 2010, Missouri is the seventh Virginia-class submarine and the fourth U.S. Navy ship to be named for the state of Missouri. It is 377 feet long with a...
密蘇里號核潛艇 (SSN-780) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
密蘇里號 (SSN-780) 是第七艘 維吉尼亞級 攻擊型核潛艇,是美國海軍第四艘以密蘇里州命名的船隻。 [2] 它比規定時間提前九個月完成交付,費用也比預想花得少。
USS Missouri SSN-780 Virginia class attack submarine US Navy
2003年8月14日 · In March 2014 Missouri made an 11-week-long surge deployment in the Northern Atlantic, just three months after its previous deployment and possibly linked to the Ukrainian crisis, i.e. the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation (which took place in March 2014). The submarine continued to operate with the U.S. 6th fleet in 2015.
密苏里号(SSN-780)是第七艘弗吉尼亚级核攻击潜艇,是美国海军第四艘以密苏里州命名的船只。 它比规定时间提前九个月完成交付,费用也比预想花得少。
USS Missouri (SSN 780) history - U.S. Carriers
The Missouri (SSN 780) is the seventh Virginia-class submarine and the fifth ship in the United States Navy named in honor of the U.S. state of Missouri. The first USS Missouri was a steam/sail warship commissioned in 1842, only 21 years after Missouri was admitted into the union.
关于战舰 - USS Missouri (zh)
当今一艘潜水艇名为美国战舰SSN-780是第四艘美国密苏里号战舰,它带着密苏里的传承驶向未来。 密苏里号战列舰造舰的规格如下:排水量45,000吨;宽33.5米;长270.4米;吃水深11.6米;乘员1921;航速33节;主炮16吋 (406mm)9门,副炮5吋 ( 127mm)20门,40mm高射炮80门,20mm ...
USS Missouri (SSN 780) - U.S. Carriers
- 12 MK 36 VLS for Tomahawk missiles. - 4/21" TT for MK 48 ADCAP . - Advanced Mobile Mines . - Unmanned Undersea Vehicles . - Dry Deck Shelter . - Advanced SEAL Delivery System. Homeport: Pearl Harbor, HI.
密苏里号核潜艇 (SSN-780) - Wikiwand
密苏里号(SSN-780) 是第七艘弗吉尼亚级攻击型核潜艇,是美国海军第四艘以密苏里州命名的船只。 它比规定时间提前九个月完成交付,费用也比预想花得少。
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