Engine CasaPerformance SSR 265 Scuderia - SIP-Scootershop
CASA PERFORMANCE have now been able to realise this teenage dream with the SSR 265 Scuderia, at least for the Lambretta owners with the necessary spare change...The initial financial hurdle becomes easier to stomach once the potential rewards the rider will enjoy are considered. This motor provides 47PS of power, straight out-of-the-box.
Casa Performance SSR265 Scuderia cylinder kit | Rimini ... - English
Complete SSR265 Scuderia hyperformance cylinder kit by Casa Performance. The SSR kits are the most powerful out-of-the-box tuning kits available for Lambretta scooters ever produced. RLC recommends the fitment of the off-set frame cones + machined engine bolt kit X89k with the SSR265 Scuderia hyperformance kit!
47bhp 100mph+ 'SSR265 Scuderia' Casa Performance road test …
2017年8月8日 · 47bhp 100mph+ 'SSR265 Scuderia' Casa Performance road test first impressions. UK scooterist Craig Robinson came over to Italy to test ride one of Rimini Lambretta Centre’s 'Test Scooters' fitted...
Casa Performance SSR265 Scuderia engine (Complete plug 'n' …
WHAT IS AN 'SSR265 Scuderia' ENGINE? These are the most powerful Lambretta engines ever made. If you thought your scooter was fast, think again. OUT OF THE BOX they have 47bhp and pull like a freight train from 4000 right up to 11,000rpm. NOTHING comes close. CHOICES?
Casa Performance SSR265 Scuderia complete engine kit for
WHAT IS AN 'SSR265 SCUDERIA' ENGINE? These are the most powerful Lambretta engines ever made. If you thought your scooter was fast, think again. OUT OF THE BOX they have 45-47bhp and pull like a freight train from 4000 right up to 11,000rpm. NOTHING comes close.
电机 CasaPerformance SSR 265 Scuderia - sip-scootershop.com
一个完整的、可直接安装的 265cc Lambretta 发动机,配有五速变速箱。 许多老式踏板车的车主和改装者都曾在 上表达过这样的愿望或梦想,即能够为他们引以为豪的踏板车安装一台动力装置,该装置应具备完全现代化的二冲程技术所提供的所有优点,并至少配备 250cc 的排量!
SLUK | Replay Racing LC CASA SSR 265 - Chalky White - YouTube
Chalky White chats about his development of the world's first liquid-cooled Casa SSR 265 race scooter. Built by Replay Racing and ridden in this year's BSSO ...
Test Ride: Scud Missile SSR 265 - PressReader
2018年4月24日 · We send Captain Slow (Stan) to test ride the new SSR 265 built by JB Tuning. He’s not a pocket rocket fan by nature, so how will he fare on this veritable missile of a scooter? Space age
Casa Performance SSR265 Single Ring Piston Kit – Meteor 32mm ...
Meteor 70mm piston kit for SSR265 Scuderia. These pistons are manufactured exclusively for Casa Performance, by market leaders Meteor, to our specification.
Motor CasaPerformance SSR 265 Scuderia - SIP-Scootershop
CASA PERFORMANCE hat mit dem SSR 265 Scuderia diesen Traum aus schlaflosen Teenagernächten umgesetzt und für jeden Lambretta Fahrer erreichbar gemacht, das nötige Kleingeld natürlich vorausgesetzt. Aber auch die finanzielle Hürde relativiert sich, berücksichtigt man die Gegenleistung, die dem Käufer geboten wird.