normal variants - Learning EEG
Benign epileptiform transients of sleep (BETS) are also called small sharp spikes (SSS). While BETS have a slightly oxymoronic name, they are in fact a normal, benign finding that you can see in the drowsy and asleep states.
Benign Variants in the EEG - Electroencephalography (EEG): An ...
BSSS are monophasic or diphasic spikes with steep ascending and descending limbs (see Figure 50). BSSS occur mainly during drowsiness and light sleep in the adult age group and may have a wide electrographic field of distribution but are best seen in temporal and ear leads.
small sharp spikes
EEG Archive; Videos; ACNS 2012 terminology; Normal Variants. 14 and 6 Hz Positive Spikes; alpha squeek; BETS; Ciganek rhythm; fast alpha; lambda; mu; phantom spike and wave ... Benign Epileptiform Transients of Sleep (BETS) a.k.a. Small Sharp Spikes (SSS) Annotations: Off On. Resize image: Montage: unspecified. appearance. occur in stage 1 or 2 ...
The clinical significance of small sharp spikes: A retrospective …
2020年12月1日 · SSS can be an epileptiform EEG pattern for temporal lobe epilepsy. 1. Introduction. Small sharp spikes (SSS) are defined as electronegative spikes in the temporal region with duration < 50 ms and amplitude < 50μv, appearing almost exclusively during drowsiness and light sleep.
【EEG】脑电图研究常用术语 - CSDN博客
2020年3月29日 · 脑电图(Electroencephalography,EEG)信号是一种反映大脑神经元电活动的重要生理信号,其蕴含着丰富的神经信息。然而,EEG信号易受多种噪声干扰,例如肌电(EMG)噪声、眼电(EOG)噪声
Small sharp spikes as EEG markers of mesiotemporal lobe epilepsy
We ask if hippocampal epileptiform discharges that are characteristic of mTLE are associated with small sharp spikes (SSS) recorded on scalp EEG. SSS are considered benign waveforms, so are not currently used as markers of epilepsy.
[Clinico-electroencephalographical significance of small sharp …
Clinical and electroencephalographical investigations were made on the 234 patients with neuropsychiatric disorders, showing small sharp spikes (sss) on EEG. Incidence of sss was significantly higher in patients with epilepsy (8.6%) than in the non-epileptic cases (2.5%), especially in early age gro …
Benign EEG Variants - DocNeuro
2013年9月5日 · SSS 50/50 rule: less than 50 microVolts in amplitude, shorter than 50 ms in duration. SSS can be differentiated from interictal spikes or epileptogenic discharges because 1) they are isolated, not in trains, 2) they get smaller in slow-wave sleep, 3) they do not have associated slow-wave rhythmic activity, and 4) they are not large enough to ...
Source localization of small sharp spikes: low resolution ...
Objective: We have investigated the cortical sources and electroencephalographic (EEG) characteristics of small sharp spikes (SSS) by using statistical non-parametric mapping (SNPM) of low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA).
Benign epileptiform variants in EEG: A comprehensive study of …
2024年8月1日 · In our study, SSS were the most common BEV in 114 patients (3.8%). Previous studies have reported varying prevalence rates. In a sample of 755 patients, White et al. described SSS in 24% of normal people, 20% in selected patient population and 14% in patients with focal epilepsy [14].