Utilties for reading NCODA 3-d ocean data and calculating SST, SSS, OHC …
2024年12月16日 · Utilties for reading NCODA 3-d ocean data and calculating SST, SSS, OHC and other parameters from the data.
On the Relationship between Regional Ocean Heat Content and …
2017年11月15日 · Combined with altimeter data, these results provide evidence that SSH increases in the Indian and western Pacific Oceans during the hiatus are suggestive of substantial OHC increases. Methods for developing the applicability of altimetry as a constraint on OHC more generally are also discussed.
Estimating ocean heat content from the ocean thermal expansion ...
2025年1月15日 · The relationship between the surficial parameters (SST and SSS) and depth-integrated parameters (TSL and OHC) is the prime factor determining the efficiency of the proposed OHC models of various depth extents (Klemas and Yan, 2014).
Enhanced hydrological cycle increases ocean heat uptake and ... - Nature
2021年9月23日 · We propose that the amplification of the spatial pattern of sea surface salinity (SSS) 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 resulting from the enhancement of the global hydrological cycle 24 provides an important...
卫星、再分析和 CMIP6 数据揭示了北印度洋初级生产力的压力 …
Significant changes in ocean temperature, sea surface salinity (SSS), Mixed Layer Depth (MLD), ocean heat content (OHC), pH and dissolved oxygen (O) at upper 200 m and that averaged between 200 and 600 m to represent the Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZ) are identified as the key stressors of marine ecosystem.
23 heat content (OHC) for the standard run occurs in the southern subtropical Pacific and the tropical 24 and subtropical Atlantic Ocean, where SSS shows the largest increase, highlighting the...
SSS_OHC_TCR/FIG3.py at main · maofeng2012/SSS_OHC_TCR
Contribute to maofeng2012/SSS_OHC_TCR development by creating an account on GitHub.
SSS_OHC_TCR \n. The codes needed to set up the FLOR experiment and Python scripts used for analyses and producing main figures in Liu et al. (2021)
Back & White 1969 Ducati SSS 350 OHC Street/Sports Scrambler …
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Ocean Heat Content Retrieval from Remote Sensing Data Based
2023年2月4日 · By using the 1 \(^\circ \times 1^\circ \) gridded Argo OHC data as the true values, and taking advantage of remote sensing products of SSH, SST, and SSW with near-global coverage and higher spatiotemporal resolution, we trained four NNs, each for estimating the OHC from the surface to 300, 700, 1500, and 2000 m depth. The NNs were trained with ...