10 Report all your employees for SS coverage within thirty (30) days from the date of their employment by submitting an accomplished "Employment Report" (SS Form R-IA) to the nearest SSS branch office. Please be reminded that failure to report your employee/s within the prescribed period
Download forms and electronic applications | Republic of the ...
Printable Forms; Registration and Membership: Member Forms: Personal Data Record: Member’s Data Change Request: Kasambahay Unified Registration Form: Request/Verification Form
Fill up this form in two (2) copies with SS Form R-1A and submit both to the nearest SSS office. Submit the accomplished forms with supporting documents duly signed by the corresponding officer. Non-profit Corporation.
R-1 Employer Registration - Forms Philippines
R-1 Employer Registration. SSS employer application form. ... R-1 Employer Registration Employer - Member Forms - SSS employer application form. SEARCH.
Notify SSS of any changes in data and the status of the employer's business operations to avoid being billed for period/s when no contributions are due. Fill up and submit Employer Data Change Request (SS Form R-8)
SSS Online Registration: How to Find Employer ID Number (EIN)
If you are an employer and you wish to register your company with the SSS, you will need to visit the nearest SSS branch, fill out the Employer Registration Form (SS Form R-1) and the Specimen Signature Card (SS Form L-501), and prepare the original and photocopy of the following documents for submission:
My.SSS Portal - Republic of the Philippines Social Security ...
SSS Building East Avenue, Diliman Quezon City, Philippines 02-1455 or 8-1455 https://crms.sss.gov.ph