MySST - customs.gov.my
Check status for sales and services tax (SST) registration Sila pilih salah satu kriteria maklumat carian dan masukkan maklumat berkaitan. Maklumat carian hendaklah lengkap dan tepat.
How to find my SST Number? – Merchant Help Center
2024年9月23日 · Check if your business is registered with the SST here: Visit the official website. Click on the “Registration Status” tab. Select the “Name of Business” option from the dropdown menu. Enter your business name and submit.
This website is developed to enable the public to access information related to the Royal Malaysian Customs Department includes corporate information, organization and Customs related matters such as Sales and Service Tax (SST).
How to Check SST Registration Status for A Business in Malaysia
Step 1: Visit Customs Malaysia , click “Registration Status”: Step 2: Select one of the Choices: Step 3: Key in your company information: Subscribe to our Mailing List for Latest Updates on the SST Malaysia – Sales and Service Tax 2018 by clicking the subscribe button below.
This document is prepared to guide SST registrant on how to use the Malaysian Sales and Service Tax System (MySST). This is a step-by-step tour procedure, for the purpose of giving users the look and
MySST - customs.gov.my
Contact Us Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia, Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan No 3, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2, 62596, Putrajaya Hotline: 1300-888-500
Malaysia Tax ID Number Guide
Sales and Service Tax Number (SST) For Individuals, Entities, VAT, Example: X89-2104-12345678. The Malasian SST number has 15 alphanumeric characters in the format ANN-YYMM-NNNNNNNN where the middle group of numbers is the year and month of registration. It may be requested from government by registering with the Royal Malaysian Customs Department.
详解马来西亚销售与服务税(SST)注册全指南 - 港通网
SST是马来西亚的一种间接税,主要目的是对销售商品和提供服务的过程中征税,以此作为国家重要的财政收入来源之一。 与之前的GST相比,SST是以不同的方式来征收的,主要分为销售税和服务税两大类。 1. 销售税:适用于在马来西亚制造并销售的商品,税率根据不同的产品类别而定,一般在5%至10%之间。 2. 服务税:适用于在马来西亚提供的服务,标准税率为6%。 二、注册SST的必要性. 任何年营业额超过指定门槛的企业均需注册SST。 具体来说,销售税的注册门 …
MySST: SST Login, Register, Submit Return, Claim - Blog Malaysia
2023年10月30日 · In using the MySST platform, individuals or businesses can manage their SST-related matters online. Some of the functionalities include registering for SST, submitting SST returns, and managing exemptions and claims. The platform offers a login feature where users can enter their SST Number to access various services.
MySST - customs.gov.my
MySST is a portal for online services related to service tax and sales tax in Malaysia.