验证服务器端验证 (SSV) 回调 | Android | Google for Developers
所谓服务器端验证回调,指的是 Google 发送给外部系统的网址请求,其中带有 Google 扩展的查询参数,用来通知外部系统某位用户因为与激励广告或插页式激励广告互动而应予以奖励。 激励广告 SSV(服务器端验证)回调提供了额外的保护层,可规避通过欺骗客户端回调来奖励用户的行为。 本指南介绍了如何使用 Tink Java Apps 第三方加密库来验证激励广告 SSV...
Get Started | SSV
The best way to get started with SSV is using the SDK, which allows developers to perform transactions to the smart contract, and access Subgraph data, via simple, high level functions. Tools and Resources
SSV Network
Explore the Secret Shared Validators network: statistics, operators and validators.
驗證伺服器端驗證 (SSV) 回呼 | Android | Google for Developers
Google 預期 SSV 回呼的狀態回應碼為 HTTP 200 OK 成功。如果無法連線至您的伺服器,或伺服器未提供預期的回應,Google 會在 1 秒的間隔內,最多嘗試傳送 SSV 回呼五次。
Validate server-side verification (SSV) callbacks | Android
2025年3月21日 · Rewarded SSV (server-side verification) callbacks provide an extra layer of protection against spoofing of client-side callbacks to reward users. This guide shows you how to verify rewarded SSV...
Home - SSV Network
SSV is a Distributed Validator Network that enables the distribution of validator duties to trust-minimized node operators to increase resilience, uptime and liveness. Easily distribute a validator without hardware or coordination, all with a simple contract interaction. Retain full control of your validator key and withdrawal address.
SSV Network Documentation | SSV
Integrate SSV seamlessly with our developer-first approach. Production Grade Infrastructure for institutional staking needs. Leverage our battle-tested network of operators with built-in redundancy and monitoring. Documentation on how to learn about SSV/DVT, build with the SSV SDK, and learn how to become a validator or operator on the network.
SSV Subgraph | SSV - docs.ssv.network
There are a few ways to access SSV smart contract data through The Graph. First of all, you can access the Subgraph page on the Graph Explorer, and use it to experiment and prototype queries using the provided Playground. For example, head over to this page to access the Playground of the Holesky Subgraph.
Introduction | Docs
ssv.network is a fully decentralized, open-source ETH staking network, based on Secret Shared Validator (SSV) technology. SSV is also known as DVT, or Distributed Validator Technology, as it provides an open and simple infrastructure for splitting and distributing a validator key into multiple KeyShares, for the purpose of running an Ethereum ...
用于AdMob RewardedAd的ServerSideVerification上的 ... - 腾讯云
我的有偿广告的SSV URL回调在UserId和CustomData上都是用假数据调用的,而且总是"fakeForAdDebugLog“。 首先,我用下面的代码加载rewardedAd Log.e ("SDL-Ads", "SETTING UP REWARDED"); ...