GitHub - Googolxx/STF: Pytorch implementation of the paper …
Pytorch implementation of the paper "The Devil Is in the Details: Window-based Attention for Image Compression". CVPR2022. This repository is based on CompressAI. We kept scripts for training and evaluation, and removed other components. The major changes are provided in compressai/models. For the official code release, see the CompressAI.
深度图像压缩 WACNN 论文解读:The Devil Is in the Details: …
2023年10月19日 · 使用对称 Transformer ( STF )改写网络结构代替原有CNN; 都获得了优于SOTA的峰值信噪比。 二、先验知识了解 深度图像压缩架构. 最基本的LIC (Learned Image Comprssion) 框架:
STF: 基于窗口注意力的图像压缩新方法 - 懂AI - dongaigc.com
近期,一种名为STF(Swin Transformer for image compression)的创新压缩技术引起了学术界的广泛关注。 本文将深入探讨STF的核心理念、技术细节及其在图像压缩领域的重要意义。
VincentChandelier/STF-QVRF - GitHub
This repo defines Transformer-based models in varibale rate model for learned image compression in "The Devil Is in the Details: Window-based Attention for Image Compression" + “QVRF: A Quantization-error-aware Variable Rate Framework for Learned Image Compression”.
STF - 窗口注意力机制推动图像压缩技术进步 - 懂AI
STF项目开发了基于窗口注意力的图像压缩方法,在CNN和Transformer架构上均实现突破。 该技术在Kodak和CLIC数据集上表现出色,兼顾压缩性能和编解码效率。
开源亮点:Window-based Attention 图像压缩新高度 - CSDN博客
2024年6月13日 · 该项目引入了一种全新的关注策略—— Window-based Attention,旨在保留图像细节的同时减少冗余信息。 这一机制巧妙结合了CNN和Transformer模型的优势,在保持视觉质量的基础上实现了卓越的压缩比。 相比于传统方法,该方案在编码速度和解码时间上展现出色表现,同时在PSNR(峰值信噪比)指标上亦有不俗成绩。 无论是在多媒体传输中节省带宽资源,还是在移动设备存储空间优化方面,高效的图像压缩技术都是不可或缺的关键一环。 此项目特别 …
GitHub - paul623/STFMethods
Spatiotemporal fusion (STF) methods aim to blend satellite images with different spatial and temporal resolutions to support more frequent and precise monitoring. In the past decades, amounts of STF methods have been developed with remarkable success.
Convert 2D PNG/JPG Images to 3D STL Mesh files!
Use our fast and free image to STL online tool to convert your PNG and JPG 2D heightmap images or logo into 3D STL (Standard Triangle Language) mesh/model files suitable for printing with a 3D printer, CNC machining or for loading into your favourite 3D editing package.
An Overview of PixInsight’s Screen Transfer Function (STF)
2020年2月6日 · This article has covered the essentials of using PixInsight’s Screen Transfer Function (STF) to stretch and adjust astrophotography images. Additionally, it has guided how to make these adjustments permanent, ensuring that your final image looks exactly how you want it …
How to save picture as JPG after STF? - PixInsight Forum
2012年6月5日 · If you want to transfer the settings from STF to HistogramTransform, drag the blue triangle from STF to the bottom of the HistogramTransform image. Make sure you study Harry's videos, see http://pixinsight.com/videos/index.html and http://www.harrysastroshed.com/pixinsighthome.html that demonstrate such basics.