Superior temporal gyrus - Wikipedia
The superior temporal gyrus (STG[1]) is one of three (sometimes two) gyri in the temporal lobe of the human brain, which is located laterally to the head, situated somewhat above the external ear. The superior temporal gyrus is bounded by: an imaginary line drawn from the preoccipital notch to the lateral sulcus posteriorly.
颞上回 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
颞上回(英文:Superior temporal gyrus)是大脑 颞叶的一个脑回 [1] [2] 。 该区域包含脑部一些重要结构,包括 听觉皮层 部分区域( 布罗德曼系统 第41、42分区)以及 语言中枢 韦尼克区 的主要区域(布罗德曼第22分区) [ 1 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] 。
Superior Temporal Gyrus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The superior temporal gyrus is a significant area in the brain that is involved in speech and language processing. It contains structures such as the primary auditory cortex and is responsible for short-term auditory sensory memory.
Nature| 我们的大脑是如何解码语音的? - 知乎专栏
颞上回 (stg) 是人脑中言语感知和理解的关键区域。 要了解言语感知的神经基础,就需要我们在神经元的基本计算单元的规模上以及它们在大脑皮层深处的组织上研究人脑。
The Encoding of Speech Sounds in the Superior Temporal Gyrus
2019年6月19日 · The human superior temporal gyrus (STG) is critical for extracting meaningful linguistic features from speech input. Local neural populations are tuned to acoustic-phonetic features of all consonants and vowels and to dynamic cues for intonational pitch.
Human Superior Temporal Gyrus Organization of …
2016年2月2日 · The human superior temporal gyrus (STG) is critical for speech perception, yet the organization of spectrotemporal processing of speech within the STG is not well understood. Here, to characterize the spatial organization of spectrotemporal processing of speech across human STG, we use high-density cortical surface field potential recordings ...
New insights into the functions of the superior temporal …
It has been proposed that the superior temporal cortex is a site of integration for both egocentric and object-centred reference systems. In other words, it might allow the represention of visual...
The functional and structural asymmetries of the superior …
2018年1月22日 · The superior temporal sulcus (STS) is the structure of the temporal lobe that divides the superior temporal gyrus (STG) from the middle temporal gyrus (MTG). Consequently, the STS is one of the longest sulci of the brain and starts around the temporal pole and terminates at the angular gyrus in the inferior parietal lobe.
How the Brain Sorts Out Speech Sounds - National Institutes of …
2014年2月10日 · The researchers found that speech-responsive sites were centered in the superior temporal gyrus (STG), a brain region known to play a role in decoding speech. They then focused their analysis on these STG electrodes (37 to 102 sites per patient).
Speech Computations of the Human Superior Temporal Gyrus
2022年1月4日 · The superior temporal gyrus (STG) contains the nonprimary auditory cortex and is a critical locus for phonological processing. Here, we describe how speech sound representation in the STG relies on fundamentally nonlinear and dynamical processes, such as categorization, normalization, contextual restoration, and the extraction of temporal ...
An MRI study of the superior temporal subregions in patients …
2010年2月1日 · The superior temporal gyrus (STG), especially its lateral portion, and temporal pole (TP) both play a central role in emotional processing, but it remains largely unknown whether patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) exhibit morphologic changes in these regions.
Speech Computations of the Human Superior Temporal Gyrus
Human speech perception results from neural computations that transform external acoustic speech signals into internal representations of words. The superior temporal gyrus (STG) contains the nonprimary auditory cortex and is a critical locus for phonological processing.
How Does the Brain Transform Thoughts into Spoken Words?
2018年8月23日 · The posterior-superior temporal gyrus (P-STG) region of the brain carries out contrasting linguistic computations in speech versus comprehension; Computations for selecting appropriate word forms during speech production are localized in the P-STG region of the brain
Human Superior Temporal Gyrus Organization of Spectrotemporal ...
2016年2月10日 · We find that the human STG displays a robust anterior–posterior spatial distribution of spectrotemporal tuning in which the posterior STG is tuned for temporally fast varying speech sounds that have relatively constant energy across the frequency axis (low spectral modulation) while the anterior STG is tuned for temporally slow varying speech so...
Dynamic network properties of the superior temporal gyrus …
2023年7月14日 · Controlling for the stroke lesion size, we observe that lower average controllability of the posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) mediates the relation between advanced brain aging and...
The role of the right superior temporal gyrus in stimulus
Although emerging neuropsychological evidence supports the involvement of temporal areas, and in particular the right superior temporal gyrus (STG), in allocentric neglect deficits, the role of STG in healthy spatial processing remains elusive. While …
Superior temporal gyrus and cerebellar loops predict ... - Nature
2022年11月10日 · Compared to MDD subjects without NSSI, those with past NSSI showed significant right superior temporal gyrus (STG) GMV, right lingual gyrus ReHo, sigma and global efficiency, and...
The role of the right superior temporal gyrus in stimulus …
2018年5月1日 · Our results confirm STG's involvement in healthy allocentric spatial processing. Although emerging neuropsychological evidence supports the involvement of temporal areas, and in particular the right superior temporal gyrus (STG), in allocentric neglect deficits, the role of STG in healthy spatial processing remains elusive.
The role of the right superior temporal gyrus in stimulus …
Although emerging neuropsychological evidence supports the involvement of temporal areas, and in particular the right superior temporal gyrus (STG), in allocentric neglect deficits, the role of STG in healthy spatial processing remains elusive.
Cortico-hippocampal networks underpin verbal memory encoding …
2025年2月12日 · Grey matter volumes of the medial and dorsolateral PFC, STG and MTG, anterior and posterior cingulate of both hemispheres, and the left vlPFC and PTOj were associated with verbal learning performances (Figs 2 and 3); the greater the grey matter volumes, the better was verbal learning. Notably, the VBM analysis revealed consistent findings ...