Actuators - HEINZMANN GmbH & Co. KG
StG 30.90 and StG 40.90 are robust and durable actuators with rotation angle up to 90°. Equipped with a DC disc motor combined with a two-stage gear they provide considerable torque. These powerful actuators have proven their worth in industrial engines and turbines and work together with digital HEINZMANN governors.
The HEINZMANN positioners StG 2040-PD and StG 2080-PD are compactly designed for flexible mounting positions, which predestines it for a wide range of applications. Excellent dynamic characteristics and precise
ulic actuator. This actuator can replace the TM55 with a version requiring only electric power instead of a hy. ter trunnions. Other mounting types to.
执行器_燃气发动机_产品中心_海茵茨曼 - 在驱动和控制中思考
该系列型号执行器可与模拟量或数字量调速器或海茵茨曼 位置控制模块组合使用。 主要应用于工业发动机控制。 海茵茨曼开发和生产的定位器包含了海茵茨曼对高性能执行器的发展方向的思考逻辑。 通过将可靠和精确的定位电子设备与久经考验的执行器相结合,我们创造了用于管理燃气发动机的理想产品。 带执行器的海茵茨曼节气门是确保发动机控制的理想组件,包括涡轮增压发动机。 作为节气门,它们通过相应地计量混合物来调节发动机转速,并拥有较长的使用寿命。 更重 …
海茵茨曼 - 在驱动和控制中思考
海茵茨曼是工业内燃机、涡轮机管理控制方面的开发合作伙伴和系统供应商,无论是新机匹配还是旧机改造,都可在复杂且具有挑战性的环境中稳定运行,依赖于成熟可靠的内燃机、涡轮机管理控制和排放监控方案,客户都给予了海茵茨曼产品充分的信任。 海茵茨曼集团公司在创新方面是令人信服的供应商和合作伙伴。 尤其是在海洋船舶自动化控制方面,我们是公认的专家。 在机车领域,我们的产品在柴油电力机车和柴油液压机车上的应用遍布全球。 在工程机械方面,我们的 …
VGV-L Linear Guide Vane Actuator - HEINZMANN UK
HEINZMANN now offers electric bleed air control valves for the same range of turbines based on its high-performance electric actuation technology. This is a position servo assembly consisting of a digital electronic controller, rotary servo motor and rotary to linear gearbox.
Our actuators feature high torque ratings packed into a lightweight, compact unit and have a high protection grade. HEINZMANN provides a wide range of actuators including direct working actuators, actuators with gears and actuators with integrated positioning electronics and …
Actuators - HEINZMANN Australia
The HEINZMANN range of StG all-electric rotary actuators with internal gearing is based on precise and very quick responding DC disc motor, which has been integrated with pinion and sector gear to interface with the actuator output terminal shaft. These actuators also provide instantaneous and contact-free position feedback continuously.
Read this entire manual and all other publications appertaining to the work to be performed before installing, operating or servicing your equipment. Practise all plant and safety instructions and precautions. Failure to follow instructions may result in personal injury and/or damage to property. Danger! High Voltage.
Actuators for Gas Engines - HEINZMANN GmbH & Co. KG
The StG 2120 is tailored to engine and turbine applications and their specific ambient conditions, and is controlled by HEINZMANN digital governors or HEINZMANN positioning modules. Its higher explosion protection class makes it ideal for use in gas turbines and gas engines that are subject to more stringent requirements.