11 Common Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) - Verywell …
2025年1月5日 · The most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States are chlamydia, trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus (HPV), genital herpes, mycoplasma genitalum (MG), syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis B. Rare ones include lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and …
About Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) | STI | CDC
2024年3月25日 · A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is a virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite people can get through sexual contact. A sexually transmitted disease (STD) develops because of an STI and the term implies that the infection has led to some symptom of disease.
性傳染病 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
性傳染病[1][2][3] (英語: Sexually transmitted diseases, 縮寫: STD),或譯 性傳播疾病[4],又稱 性傳播感染[5] (英語: Sexually transmitted infections,縮寫: STI),舊稱 性病 (英語: Venereal Disease,縮寫: VD)或 花柳病,描述因 性行為 (指陰道性行為、 肛交 和 口交)而傳播的疾病。 大多數的性傳染病一開始沒有症狀 [6],造成不知情的帶原者有極大的風險會傳染給他人 [7][8]。 性病的症狀包含: 陰道分泌物 、 陰莖分泌物 、 性器官或其週邊潰瘍 (英 …
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) - Symptoms and causes
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are spread mainly by sexual contact. STIs are caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. A sexually transmitted infection may pass from person to person in …
STD vs. STI: Differences, Symptoms, and Testing - Verywell Health
2024年8月22日 · An STI is an infection usually acquired through sexual activity that may or may not display symptoms and become a sexually transmitted disease (STD). This article will discuss the difference between STI and STD, as well as types, symptoms, tests, and treatment.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) | STI | CDC
Basic information about STIs in plain language, in question and answer form. How to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STI testing type and frequency recommendations. This page answers basic questions about gonorrhea, including how to prevent and treat it.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - World Health Organization …
2024年5月21日 · More than 1 million curable sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide in people 15–49 years old, the majority of which are asymptomatic. In 2020 there were are an estimated 374 million new infections in people 15–49 years with 1 of 4 curable STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and trichomoniasis.
性传播疾病(STD) - 症状与病因 - 妙佑医疗国际
2024年1月5日 · 性传播疾病(std)是由于性传播感染(sti)引起的,主要通过性接触传播。 STI 是由细菌、病毒或寄生虫引起的。 性传播感染可以通过血液、精液或阴道和其他体液在人与人之间传播。
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) symptoms - Mayo Clinic
2024年3月12日 · Sexually transmitted diseases are infections spread mainly by contact with genitals or bodily fluids. Also called STDs, STIs or venereal disease, sexually transmitted infections are caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites.
性传播感染 (STI) 概述 - 感染 - 《默沙东诊疗手册大众版》
性传播感染 (STI) 是指与感染伴侣发生口交、肛交或生殖器性交时通过血液、精液、阴道液或其他体液传播的感染。 性传播疾病 (STD) 是指由性传播感染发展而来的疾病。 性传播感染可能由细菌、病毒或原虫感染导致。 一些感染可能扩散到身体的其他部位,有时会造成严重的后果。 大多数性传播感染可以通过药物有效治疗。 在生殖器性交时使用避孕套有助于防止这些感染从一个人传给另一个人。 性接触,包括口交、肛交或生殖器性交,为生物体从一个人传播到另一个人提供 …