2021 Staccato | The High Road
2021年2月12日 · I've got an older STI Edge 2011 in 9mm, one in .40. A few weeks ago I bought a new Staccato P "DPO" as I fell down the optics rabbit hole. I have to say the new Staccato has run and shoots as well as my old Edge models, so far so good. It still has some of the Dawson Precision parts the older ones came with. I just wish they offered more finishes that DLC, I loved the hard chrome/gold barrel look.
LS9 and K9 | The High Road
2004年3月29日 · Anyone have a pic(s) comparing the STI LS9 and the Kahr K9? They're fundamentally different guns with the K9 being DAO and the LS9 being very 1911-like in it's controls. However, they appear to be similar in size. Has anyone carried both? Carryability? Shootability? Any pics of the 2...
Colt Series 70 and New STI Match Trigger Question
2012年7月5日 · I did not like the trigger in my S70 Colt LW Commander, it was too short for my hands and made achieving a good trigger pull impossible for me. So I ordered a new trigger from Midway. I got the STI Match Trigger long curve. This trigger has …
gotta have handguns! | The High Road
2009年4月4日 · What pistols do you got to have??? this list would include your favorite handguns you have allready bought and/or have been given to you; and ones that you really want to buy. There isn't a real order, because I NEED them all! HANDGUNS 1. dan wesson rz45 heritage 1911 2. sig p229 9mm 3...
Buying a Single-Stack 1911, but What Caliber? | The High Road
2011年2月26日 · I've decided to go ahead with my plan to purchase an STI Trojan singlestack 1911. This won't be quite my first 1911, but it'll be the first one I plan to put a lot of rounds through. Whatever gun I get, I plan to shoot it in USPSA Single Stack division, IDPA ESP or CDP division, Steel Challenge, as well as practice.
Throat job, Advice Needed | The High Road
2008年8月14日 · I have been reading here for a while but this is my first post. I just got my new Edge 40 from Dawson Precision so i had to run to the range and give it a whirl. I am using a lee six cavity 401-175-TC to cast my own bullets and i am having a problem with them not fully chambering (only was able...
Savage Edge Report | The High Road
2010年10月23日 · I finally got the new Savage Edge shooting really well. It took 4 trips to the range, some trigger work, quite a bit of load development, several cleanings, and not the best experience with scope bases and rings. Conclusions: I am certain now, that in most cases, these inexpensive Savage...
how to sharpen serrated edges | The High Road
2007年5月2日 · One edge is beveled the other is flat. I run it like your trying to cut a thin sliver off the rod about 6 to eight times. then the opposit flat side, the oposite way. gently just to knock off the thin piece of metal that ends up on the edge.
What do I have? | The High Road
2018年4月21日 · Serial number is typically on the edge of the tang, you have to take the buttstock off to see it. It won't tell you much, Remingtons were not serial numbered from one, they used block and contract numbers and started over a lot. Is there a crest on top? Mexican rifles are clearly marked. The "U" on the barrel bands stands for "Up". They are actually made to match the taper of barrel and ...
Brazos Custom | The High Road
2005年1月26日 · I am planning on buying a new IPSC limited gun and thinking seriously of a Brazos Custom Pro SC Limited in .40 S&W with a short dust cover. Does any one out their use their guns and what is your opinion of their product and their customer service. Thanks Jay