Tested: 2018 Subaru WRX STI Type RA Is a Weak Performance Value
2018年10月31日 · In light of its performance stats and an upcharge that is roughly 35 percent of the base STI's asking price, the Type RA comes off as a fast-and-furious shakedown for all but the most committed...
The Subaru WRX STI RA-R Is the Ultimate JDM STI - Car and Driver
2018年9月7日 · We drive Subaru's WRX STI RA-R, a Japanese-market limited edition that packs the most powerful engine ever put in an STI.
WRX STI 特別仕様車 「TYPE RA-R」を500台限定発売
2018年7月19日 · WRX STIをベースとする「TYPE RA-R」は、「軽さ」「速さ」「愉しさ」をテーマに、クルマの本質である「走る・曲がる・止まる」という性能を極限まで突き詰めた、STI創立30周年記念コンプリートカーです。 グラム単位での軽量化を積み重ねて完成した「TYPE RA-R」の車体は、「S208」や「S207」と比較して約30kg軽く、ベースであるWRX STIとの比較でも、約10kgの軽量化を実現しました*2。 また、エンジンはSTIコンプリートモデ …
2018 Subaru WRX STI Type RA First Drive - Car and Driver
2018年2月5日 · The Type RA gives the STI extra polish, but, uh, you might want to ignore the price. Read our full review and see photos at Car and Driver.
TYPE RA-R/Heritage : Complet Car | STI - Subaru Tecnica …
Based on the SUBARU WRX STI, the TYPE RA-R complete car was released to celebrate STI's 30th anniversary. Incorporating ‘agility’, ‘speed’ and ‘pleasure’ as themes, the essential performance characteristics of cars, acceleration, steering, and braking have been enhanced as much as possible in this model.
Subaru性能超魅力!WRX STI Type RA-R推出第一天就全部賣光
2018年7月21日 · 相比去年東京車展推出的Subaru WRX STI S208 Special Edition,WRX STI Type RA-R不僅相同搭載馬力高達329ps、峰值扭力44.0kgm的代號EJ20水平對置四缸渦輪增壓引擎,更透過取消隔音棉(引擎與車身內部)、霧燈、底盤護板、備胎以及換上BBS輪框與部分碳纖維鈑件的輕量化工程 ...
First Drive: 2018 Subaru WRX STI Type RA - MotorTrend
2018年2月5日 · Combined with some electronic tweaks, a larger-diameter exhaust, and a cold-air intake, the STI Type RA's upgraded 2.5-liter engine is rated for 310 hp and 290 lb-ft, up 5 hp and zero lb-ft at...
2018 Subaru WRX STI Type RA First Drive - MotorTrend
2018年1月30日 · I just drove the $49,855 2018 Subaru WRX STI Type RA. The only question there can be is: Is the Subie worth the money? Read the review to find out.
Used Subaru WRX STI Type RA for Sale Near Me - Autotrader
Test drive Used Subaru WRX STI Type RA at home from the top dealers in your area.Used Subaru WRX cars for sale ranging in price from $37,999 to $43,999.
高处不胜寒 斯巴鲁WRX STI Type RA - 懂车帝
2020年2月5日 · Type RA比普通版WRX STI减轻68磅。 RA代表的是Record Attempt,就是为挑战记录而生。 更轻的重量意味着更好的操控,RA版确实更容易驾驶:得益于采用干碳工艺的碳纤维车顶使车身重心进一步下降、以及增加车身的抗扭性能。