Lenovo ThinkSystem ST550塔式服务器
ThinkSystem ST550 是一款 4U 塔式服务器,它采用针对办公室环境进行优化的外形,可提供符合您期望的高性能和可靠性。
Specifications | ThinkSystem ST550 | Lenovo Docs
Up to two Intel ® Xeon ® scalable processors. Up to two Jintide ® processors for Chinese Mainland only. For Jintide processors, only C08101, C10201, C12301, C14501, and C16401 models are supported for Chinese Mainland. For 1st Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Intel Xeon SP Gen 1) or Jintide processors. Minimum: 8 GB. Maximum: Type:
Lenovo ThinkSystem ST550 Server (Xeon SP Gen 1 / Gen 2)
2024年4月15日 · The Lenovo ThinkSystem ST550 2-socket 4U rack-mountable tower server provides outstanding performance and industry-leading reliability. Now available with second-generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors, the ST550 is ideal for small-to-medium businesses, distributed enterprises, retail, educational institutions and branch offices.
定制配置:联想(Lenovo)ST550 塔式服务器2*4216/4*32G/1*480G/1*2T/5350/双口千兆/2*550W
Lenovo ThinkSystem ST550 Product Guide
This product guide provides describes the key features and specifications, components and options, and configuration guidelines for the ThinkSystem ST550.
Lenovo ThinkSystem ST550 Datasheet
Lenovo ThinkSystem ST550 provides enterprise performance and flexibility and a compact footprint.
功能 | ThinkSystem ST550 | Lenovo Docs
Lenovo ThinkSystem 服务器可引导符合 UEFI 规范的操作系统、基于 BIOS 的操作系统、基于 BIOS 的适配器以及符合 UEFI 规范的适配器。 服务器支持带寄存器的 DIMM(RDIMM)和负载减少型 DIMM(LRDIMM)。 有关具体类型和最大内存量的更多信息,请参阅 规格。 这种集成的安全芯片执行密码功能并存储专用和公用安全密钥。 它为可信计算组(TCG)规范提供硬件支持。 可下载该软件以支持 TCG 规范。 可信平台模块(TPM)有两个版本 — TPM 1.2 和 TPM 2.0 …
The ST550 server now supports second-generation Intel Xeon Processor Scalable Family processors with up to 768 GB of TruDDR4 system memory. Suggested uses: business workloads such as e-mail, workgroup applications, file & print, system management, web serving, and point-of-sale applications
【联想ST550】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_联想ST550系列服务器大 …
Lenovo ThinkSystem ST550 是一款可扩展的 4U 塔式服务器,配备强大的英特尔?至强?可扩展处理器,可以提供符合您期望的性能和可靠性。 它采用针对办公室环境进行优化的紧凑外形,占用的空间比上一代少37%*,同时具备超低噪音和物理防盗等特性,非常适合桌下、桌边或机架式安装使用。 ST550是电子邮件/文件/打印和 Web 服务、IT 基础架构、虚拟化、VDI 和私有云的理想选择。 共有4款产品 >> 应该是设备的硬件故障,建议楼主联系厂商售后服务进行检查和维修。 联 …
ST550 datasheet, transducer equivalent, Stellar Technology
The Series ST550 is an extremely small, accurate, reliable pressure transducer for measuring dynamic and static pressures. Available in absolute, sealed gage, or true gage zero pressure reference, the unit is entirely welded of stainless steel.