STM spectroscopy of vortex cores and the flux lattice
1991年2月2日 · The low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope, STM, is capable of measuring the local density of states across a surface with sub-nanometer resolution. This allows vortices and the flux lattice to be imaged by measuring the spatial variations in the local tunneling spectra on the surface of a superconductor.
Nanoscale assembly of superconducting vortices with scanning ... - Nature
2016年12月9日 · Here we report a new function of the STM, namely to control the local pinning in a superconductor through the heating effect. Such effect allows us to quench the superconducting state at...
STM study on the vortex states and Majorana zero-modes in
2022年11月17日 · In this review, we summarized recent STM studies on the vortex states of electron-doped FeSe-based superconductors such as (Li,Fe)OHFeSe and single-layer FeSe/SrTiO 3. Zero-bias conductance peaks (ZBCP) are observed in the unpinned vortex cores of (Li,Fe)OHFeSe.
Zero-energy vortex bound state in the superconducting ... - Nature
2019年6月17日 · Here we present ultrahigh energy-resolution spectroscopic imaging (SI)–STM to clarify the nature of the vortex bound states in Fe (Se,Te). We found the ZVBS at 0 ± 20 μeV, which constrained its...
Observation of Discrete Conventional Caroli–de Gennes–Matricon …
2020年3月6日 · Using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), we studied the vortex states of single-layer FeSe film on a (100) substrate, and the local behaviors of superconductivity at sample boundaries.
Observation of superconducting vortex clusters in S/F hybrids
2016年12月9日 · In this work we study the superconducting vortex confinement in planar S/F thin film heterostructures caused by intrinsic topological defects in the magnetic template called bifurcations, by low...
Observation of Persistent Zero Modes and Superconducting Vortex ...
4 天之前 · Here, we visualize superconducting vortices on the (011) surface of ultra-clean UTe 2 single crystals (Tc = 2.1K) using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). We introduce d2I dV2 imaging as an effective method for vortex visualization in superconductors with substantial residual zero-energy density of states (DOS), as in UTe 2.
STM towards vortex study • what are we interested in? → 1. generating a real space image of the vortex distribution by tunneling into states in the region of the superconducting gap (positions of coherence peaks) → 2. obtain electronic structure of vortex core using angle resolved STS • how is it used? → measuring
STM/STS studies on vortex and electronic state in YBa2Cu3Oy
2006年5月15日 · These STM/STS experiments, which show the dramatic change of both the vortex structure and the dislocation density across H∗ (T) line, provide the clear evidence of the order–disorder transition between the Bragg-glass and the …
STM imaging of vortex structures in NbN thin films
2003年5月1日 · We report on imaging of the vortex structure in NbN thin films by using low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy at 4.2 K in magnetic fields up to 1.2 T. In order to avoid oxidation while retaining a smooth surface, a very thin film of Au (∼4 nm) was deposited immediately after sputtering of the NbN thin film (∼60 nm).