Replacing The STV-3H and -4H Diodes - Audiokarma Home …
2010年2月4日 · Let's look at the results with an eye towards replacement. The top graph (magenta square) is very well matched with a series string of three 1N3595 diodes (hollow green square). Simply can't do much better than that.
Sanken STV3H-Y Testing and Installation?? - Audiokarma Home …
2018年5月14日 · Your meter may not have enough test voltage to start them conducting. The diode test range on your meter is expecting one P-N junction to test, an STV3 is 3 junctions, which gives some meters problems.
STV-3 Bias Diode Testing - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2019年2月13日 · As part of my repair I decided to test the STV-3 diodes on both boards. The expected voltage drop on my test rig was 1.5 ~ 1.8 vdc. The voltage drop I measured was 2.2 vdc. I got this on all four of the diodes off of the two boards. To verify my test rig I tested a diode from the supplier in Germany who is selling on eBay.
Replacements for Sanyo STV-3H Varistor - All About Circuits
2020年6月14日 · Has anyone found a good solution/replacement for replacing Sanyo STV-3H Varistors? I repair old stereo equipment from the 70's and this was a common part in many amplifier designs from several popular manufactures. Sanyo stopped manufacturing them years ago and has no cross reference to a replacement. Thank you.
STV-03h diode replacement | Electronics Forums - Maker Pro
2011年1月16日 · It is out of the amplifier section of a Marantz 4300, The manual calls it a varistor STV-3H (Y) marantz p/n HV0000508. It is mounted on the heatsink with the switching transistors.
STV2.0快適ステージ | 高所作業台 | 梯子、脚立のパイオニア 長谷 …
山东电视台体育频道是山东电视台的第三套节目(STV-3)。 2008年,山东电视台体育频道加入CSPN;2009年,山东电视体育频道因全运改为山东电视全运频道。
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