Traditional: Stac Dona (arr. Christopher Duncan) - YouTube
2018年7月24日 · Provided to YouTube by Universal Music GroupTraditional: Stac Dona (arr. Christopher Duncan) · Scottish Festival Orchestra · James MacMillanThe Lost Songs Of...
Traditional: Stac Dona - YouTube
2018年7月24日 · Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Traditional: Stac Dona · Trevor Morrison The Lost Songs Of St Kilda ℗ 2016 Ace It Scotland, under exclusive licence to Decca, a division of Universal...
The Lost Songs of St Kilda - Wikipedia
The Lost Songs of St Kilda is an album by James MacMillan and Trevor Morrison, released in 2016 by Decca Records. The album contains modern recordings of traditional songs taught to Morrison as a boy by a resident of St Kilda, Scotland.
Hirta - Wikipedia
There are also various large stacks in the narrow strait between Hirta and Soay: Stac Dona, Stac Soay and Stac Biorach. The origin of Hirta is open to interpretation. Martin (1703) states that "Hirta is taken from the Irish Ier, which in that language signifies west". [10] .
Stac Dona - song and lyrics by Traditional, Trevor Morrison - Spotify
Listen to Stac Dona on Spotify. Traditional, Trevor Morrison · Song · 2016.
Soay (Saint Kilda) - Wikipedia
Ten zuidwesten van de Stac Shoaigh, dicht bij de kust van Soay, ligt de Stac Dona, de „slechte rots“. Van west naar oost is Soay nergens twee kilometer breed; daarentegen is het eiland — net zoals de rest van Sint Kilda gevormd door een vulkaan — rotsachtig en steil, ofschoon het niet de extreem steile rotswanden van Hirta heeft. Het ...
Stream: RSNO - Chan and Benedetti - Edinburgh Music Review
2021年6月25日 · Once again playing in the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow, this was the last in the Digital series which has helped us get through the Covid nightmare over the winter and spring. The concert started with ‚ Stac Dona‘, one of the tunes of St Kilda discovered in a Nursing Home in Edinburgh, played by one of the residents some years ago..
List of outlying islands of Scotland - Wikipedia
There are various islands that lie in the sea lochs such as Eilean Bàn and Eilean Donan that might not ordinarily be described as "Hebridean" but no formal definitions exist and for simplicity they are included in the List of Inner Hebrides rather than here.
Stac Dona: Details of Dona, Stac - scottish-places.info
Places, people and events relating to Stac Dona (Western Isles) from the Gazetteer for Scotland
Stac dona - frwiki.wiki
Stac Dona é uma pequena ilha desabitada do Reino Unido localizada na Escócia, no arquipélago de St Kilda. A ilha é uma pilha localizada entre a Ilha Soay e a Ilha Hirta . Ele se eleva a 27 metros acima do nível do mar (87 pés ) e tem uma aparência cônica .