SU-122 - Wikipedia
The SU-122 (from Samokhodnaya Ustanovka 122 mm) ... The T-34 chassis of the SU-122 was further adapted as part of the later SU-85 self-propelled gun. [14] SU-122M. Even as the SU-122 was being mass-produced, its design was being refined primarily with an eye to reduce production costs. The M-30S armament proved poorly suited for purpose, in ...
SU-122突擊炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SU-122使用與T-34坦克相同的發動機和變速器,以降低成本並簡化生產。 ... SU-122不足之處在於122mm榴彈裝填時間較長,且裝甲并不算太厚,前線部隊損失較大。而全車只有一個可供乘員進出的艙門,給乘員逃生帶來不便。
Soviet SU-122 self propelled gun (1942) - tank-afv.com
The SU-122 was the first major variant of the successful T-34 chassis. After the first German Sturmgeschütz assault guns were seen in operations, an order was issued in April 1942 to several design bureaus to devise plans for a prototype SPG.
苏联版的猎豹歼击车SU-122-44 - 哔哩哔哩
34/76 与t43,可以看出来43比76更加敦实。 ... 然而好景不长,su-122-44的项目从未实施过,甚至没有原型车,事实表明,su-122-44的尺寸和重量过大,主要是火炮的缘故,而su101则没有这个问题。最后su-122-44的计划于1945年3月7日被废除。 ...
SU-122 - 哔哩哔哩
之后苏军改变了编制,su-122被用来组建中型自行火炮团,每个团装备16辆su-122和一辆指挥用的t-34坦克。su-122以其强大的火力和优良的防护在前线赢得好评。 43年5月,装备了新型炮弹的su-122具备了在远距离摧毁敌军坦克装甲车辆的能力,包括德军的重型虎式坦克。 ...
SU-122自行火炮征战记 肩负重任却流于平庸 深陷血与火的残酷东 …
SU-122是在T-34中型坦克基础上发展而来的自行火炮,装甲部分延续了T-34的设计,倾斜前装甲厚度只有45mm,根本无法抵御德军坦克炮的火力。 最初,苏军高层希望通过SU-122发挥M-30S榴弹炮的破甲威力,以摧毁德军重型坦克。
SU-122 - World War Photos
Crew members atop a SU-122, 1943. Note: patriotic slogans on hull. Early Su-122, 1942/1943. Early Su-122 (СУ-122) Su-122 code white 32-C. ... T-34, ussr. Post navigation. Site statistics: photos of World War 2 : over 35000 aircraft models: 221 tank models: 96 vehicle models: 92 gun models: 6 units: 2 ships: 49. France. Tanks; Invasion of ...
Su-122 Self-Propelled Gun (SPG) - Military Factory
2018年1月8日 · One such development, intended to fight tanks and support infantry, became the SU-122. Design of the vehicle began in the summer of 1942 and the SU-122 became the first dedicated "assault gun" for the Red Army during World War 2. By this time, the T-34 medium tank was coming into its own for the Russian armored divisions.
SU-122 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The SU-122 (from Samokhodnaya Ustanovka 122 mm) was a Soviet self-propelled howitzer or assault gun used during World War II. The number "122" in the designation represents the caliber of the main armament—a 122 mm M-30S howitzer. The chassis was that of the T-34. Soviet High Command became interested in assault guns following the success of German Sturmgeschutz III SPGs. Assault guns had ...
SU-122自行火炮-SU-122自行火炮图片性能技术参数怎么样-武器 …