SU-76 - Wikipedia
The SU-76 (Samokhodnaya Ustanovka 76) was a Soviet light self-propelled gun used during and after World War II. The SU-76 was based on a lengthened version of the T-70 light tank chassis and armed with the ZIS-3 mod. 1942 76-mm divisional field gun. Developed under the leadership of chief designer S.A. Ginzburg (1900–1943).
SU-76 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SU-76 (СУ-76)是 蘇聯 于 第二次世界大戰 時生產的輕型自走砲(突击炮)。 1942年10月19日,國防委員會发布了第2429号命令,要求GAZ工厂和位于 基洛夫市 的第38工厂研发一种轻型自行火炮,装备有76.2mm的ZIS-3型火炮,底盘和引擎将基于T-70坦克,增加整车的长度和一对负重轮。 1942年11月,两个工厂拿出了他们的设计车型,GAZ工厂的设计车型定名为GAZ-71,第38工厂的定名为SU-12。 1942年12月9日,经过比较测试,GAZ-71被认为不适合当时的战争状况, …
SU-76自行火炮 - 百度百科
苏联步兵的最爱却是坦克兵最痛恨的武器——SU76自行火炮 - 哔哩 …
2020年7月20日 · 这种优秀的反坦克炮不仅能够兼容之前苏联库存充裕的76毫米弹药,用来发射高爆榴弹、榴霰弹、烟幕弹支援步兵,他还拥有非常不错的反坦克能力。 发射被帽穿甲弹时,炮口初速度有700m/s,在100m可以击穿80mm的垂直装甲,1000m可以击穿67mm的垂直装甲,完全可以 ...
SU-76 soviet self propelled gun (1942) - tank-afv.com
As the first Soviet SPG, the SU-76 filled three roles in the Red Army, well served by its speed and low ground pressure, despite its vulnerability: light assault gun, mobile anti-tank weapon and mobile gun for indirect fire.
SU-76:研發歷史,車體結構,型號沿革,生產狀況,服役事件,車輛性能數 …
Su-76 (Suchka) Self-Propelled Gun (SPG) - Military Factory
2018年1月8日 · One such anti-tank weapon became the Samokhodnaya Ustanovka 76, or better known as the SU-76. The weapon was a mating of the T-70 light tank chassis - a tank already in production but hardly up to the rigors of combating the German Panzers - while adding the potent and proven 76.2mm 3-inch field gun as the main armament.
SU-76 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The SU-76 (Samokhodnaya Ustanovka 76) was a Soviet self-propelled gun used during and after World War II. The SU-76 was based on a lengthened and widened version of the T-70 tank chassis. Its simple construction made it the second most produced Soviet armoured vehicle of World War II, after the...
SU-76 Self-Propelled Gun | World War II Database - WW2DB
The SU-76 was initially powered by a pair of 70bhp GAZ -202 6-Cylinder inline water- cooled petrol engines, but these proved unreliable in combat and later production models employed 85bhp GAZ-203 engines. The gun utilised was the 76.2mm model 1942, 41.5 calibres long, with sixty (mostly anti-tank) rounds carried for it.
SU-76G FT IV - skill4ltu Index
3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications, Marks of excellence, Marks of mastery & WN8 for SU-76G FT