SU-85I - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Su-85I was a medium tank destroyer developed by Lew S. Trojanow using the Su-76I as a starting point, which in turn were conversions of captured Panzer III chassis; both projects created during the early war as a response to the new well armored German tanks.
冷门车推介,苏系幻想拼合怪五级金币TD:SU-85I - 哔哩哔哩
2020年11月6日 · 1943年8月,卡沙塔诺夫设计局决定继续改进SU-76I,计划安装85mm的D-5-S-85型炮,但最终因诸多问题而被迫取消,而这辆短命的战车就是今天我们提到的SU-85I。
SU-85 - Wikipedia
The SU-85 (Samokhodnaya ustanovka 85) was a Soviet self-propelled gun used during World War II, based on the chassis of the T-34 medium tank. Earlier Soviet self-propelled guns were meant to serve as either assault guns, such as the SU-122, or as tank destroyers; the SU-85 fell into the latter category.
首先,先说,SU-85被认为是小车房的704,而狼灌被认为是T30,那,SU-85I我认为是小车房的猎虎。 为啥呢? 绝对要给5星,真符合了猎虎的特征了,射速太恐怖了,和KV1对射你射3炮对面没准只打了一炮,(可能还没打着。 )而且这车允许输弹机和通风,全加上的话更是恐怖…… 只能给一星……50的正脸,除了防防速射炮就没啥可以防护的了,且没有很大的倾斜角,和你的同级车或者比你低一级的车只要不是速射炮就都能穿你。 这点和猎虎有点不一样,猎虎是首上很 …
苏维埃的钢铁洪流(五)——“打虎者”SU85坦克歼击车 - 哔哩哔哩
SU“Samokhodnaya Ustanovka”的意思为“自行火炮载具”,“85”则表示其装备的85㎜D-5T火炮,SU-85在定型后,被迅速大量装备,直到新的T-34/85和SU-100列装。 它使用标准的SU-122车体,只不过在前端做了一些改进,并安装了新型的炮盾。 其具有固定的上层结构,因此更容易建造,并且具有较低的高度,这使得它更不容易被击中。 SU-85的具有较低的高度. 生产工作. Uralmash工厂生产了2000多辆SU-85,直到1944年后期取消了订单,它立即被SU-100取代。 …
SU-85坦克歼击车 - 百度百科
SU-85为苏联于第二次世界大战中研制的一种坦克歼击车。 其车体以著名的T-34中型坦克为底盘。 早期的苏联自行火炮不是用来作为突击炮,如SU-122者,就是当作具有机动力的反坦克武器,而SU-85即属于后者。
SU-85I - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
A proposed modification of captured German Pz.Kpfw. III tanks, which were to be mounted with the 85 mm gun. Never entered mass production nor saw service. Gun is powerful, with an …
SU-85I:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
金币坦克每场战斗可以获得更多的银币与经验,还有一系列其它加成。 显示的是100%乘员坦克的参数。 SU-85I的分析视频中包括了坦克的主要参数及战斗表现。
SU-85I: review, characteristics, comparison - World of Tanks
Free-to-play mobile action MMO that plunges you into intense naval combat of the first half of the 20th century. The iconic 4X strategy gameplay of Explore, Expand, Exploit and Exterminate that formed the blueprint for a whole generation of 4X games has been resurrected and upgraded.
SU-85I - 3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications ...
2022年2月6日 · 3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications, Marks of excellence, Marks of mastery & WN8 for SU-85I
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