M-84 - Tank Encyclopedia
The SUV-M-84 was an effective fire-control system for its time. Once all the bugs were ironed out, the FCS showed impressive accuracy during domestic tests and trials conducted in foreign countries. In a comprehensive evaluation conducted alongside a T-72M tank, the M-84 was judged to be two to three times more precise than its Soviet counterpart.
M-84主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m-84ab(科威特):使用suv-m-84 型電子計算器輔助火控系統,包含dnns-2 型 炮手晝夜穩定瞄準鏡、車長dnks-2型晝夜潛望周視瞄準鏡和雷射測距儀,以及更新了更先進的的fm/uhf100跳/秒的抗干擾調頻電台,在1991年海灣戰爭前已交付了150輛給科威特,整批訂單是215輛 ...
南捷卡中坚:南斯拉夫M-84/M-91坦克及其发展 - 知乎
该型号使用SUV-M-84 型电子计算器辅助火控系统,包含DNNS-2 型 炮手昼夜稳定瞄准镜、车长DNKS-2型昼夜潜望周视瞄准镜和激光测距仪。 以及更新了更先进的的FM/UHF100跳/秒的抗干扰调频电台。 到1991年截止,大约有150辆M-84AB型完成了组装被送往科威特,虽然整个订单是签署了215辆(包含170辆 M-84AB型、15辆 M-84ABI 坦克维修车改型、15辆M-84ABK 指挥型)整个订单价值5亿美元。 此批之中,不清楚数量的M-84AB型加装了德国Teldix公司的地面导航系 …
南斯拉夫M-84系列主战坦克历史及火控系统详解(1) - 哔哩哔哩
2025年1月25日 · M-84 配备功率为573.7kW 的 V46-6发动机。而M-84A拥有更强大的V46-TK发动机,额定功率为735 kW(1000 hp),提高机动性。发动机为四冲程12缸、涡轮增压、多燃料和液冷发动机。重1080公斤,连同附加设备体积为2.84平方米。
M-84 - Wikipedia
It comes with the new SUV-M-84 computerized fire-control system, including the DNNS-2 gunner's day/night sight, with independent stabilization in two planes and integral laser rangefinder. It also comes with the TNP-160 periscope , TNPA-65 auxiliary periscope, and DNKS-2 day/night commander's periscopes, as well as the TNPO-168V driver's periscope.
2020年6月10日 · m-84的出口型号代号m-84ab仅向科威特出口,总共交付了不到200辆,其配备了新的suv-m-84计算机化火控系统,包括dnns-2炮手的昼/夜瞄准镜,并内置激光测距仪,此外配备了新的电罗经,通信和对讲系统。
M-84 and M-84AB in Kuwaiti Service - Tank Encyclopedia
2024年7月6日 · The SFR Yugoslavia obtained the license for the Soviet T-72M main battle tank in the late 1970s. Before local production began, the licensed tank was modified to include a new domestically developed SUV-M-84 fire-control system, new radio set, and other electronics.
M-84 in Iraqi Service - Tank Encyclopedia
2024年9月23日 · Where the M-84 tanks differed from the Iraqi T-72s was in their SUV-M-84 fire-control system, radios, and other electronics, which were of domestic Yugoslavian design. Judging by the few available photographs of M-84 tanks in Iraqi service, these tanks retained their DNNS-2 sights, suggesting that the Iraqis likely did not interfere with their ...
Kuwait transferred 150 M-84AB tanks to Croatia for repair and …
2024年1月31日 · The vehicle used the SUV-M-84 computerized fire control system – DNNS-2 gunner’s stabilised day/night sight, commanders’ DNKS-2 day/night periscope, and laser range finder.
M-84主战坦克:巴尔干的装甲猛虎,依旧是塞尔维亚军队的中坚 …
2024年4月3日 · 这款M-84型主战战车搭载780匹的V-46TK柴油机,其道路行驶速度可达60 km/h,不使用 外部油箱可行驶450 km/h。 这款车的悬架是专门为野外作战而专门设计的,这使得它可以比较容易的通过复杂的地形。 M-84也装备有水下航行装置,只要稍加布置,就可以在5 米以下的水下障碍物上穿行,从而大大改善了战斗的机动性。 M-84AS1是一辆经过改良后的M-84型战车,它运用了更多的科技,并对其进行了改良,以增强其在现代化作战中的作战能力。 此次 …
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