SV-001 (Metal Slug)
The SV-001, also known as the "Metal Slug", is a Super Vehicle developed by the Regular Army. It is the namesake of the Metal Slug video game franchise. In 2028, the Rebel Army launched a massive attack against the Regular Army forces around the world.
合金弹头各代载具预览 - 哔哩哔哩
SV-001系列专属武器,弹道由弧线修正为直线并能够穿透一切物体,弥补了原装炮弹的不足,威力并无改变。装载穿甲弹之后需留意由于弹道的改变位于下方的目标将无法击中。 Normal Cannon (炮弹)
SV-001 - SNK Wiki
SV-001, nicknamed Metal Slug is a prominent vehicle in the Metal Slug series. Designed for tactical purposes in 2026, this tank mainly serves as the backbone of the Regular Army's armored units. It is very light, allowing it to be air-dropped by either a plane or a …
SV-001型-R型. 这是加强版,出现在《合金弹头1》《合金弹头3》和《合金弹头6》. 速度快、跳得高、外壳更加坚硬、是纵横沙场非常好用的坦克。不过,它的生产成本远远高于SV-001,因此并没有大量生产。 SV-001 Experimental
Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 | Metal Slug Wiki | Fandom
Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001(メタルスラッグ-Metaru Suraggu) is a run and gun video game for the Neo-Geo console/arcade platform created by SNK. It was released in 1996 for the MVS arcade platform. The game is widely known for its sense of humor, extremely fluid hand-drawn animation, and fast-paced...
SV-001 Type-R - Metal Slug Wiki
The SV-001 Type-R, sometimes referred to as the Gold SV-001, is an upgraded and re-colored version of the original SV-001. The SV-001 Type-R boasts improved hydraulics for increased jumping ability, a new engine with better mileage and torque and new tracks for higher acceleration and speed...
SV-001 - VS Battles Wiki
The Super Vehicle-001, often abbreviated in SV-001 or nicknamed Metal Slug, is a secret experimental, all-purpose tank developed by the Regular Army. during the coup d'etat of the Rebel Army, one of the governmental factories was destroyed and the vehicles exposed.
合金弹头2 SV-001 变形坦克 | Hpoi手办维基
Nov 18, 2022 · 此次藏道模型推出的SV-001/Ⅱ Metal Slug 变形系列,是基于IP原型基础,加强细节精化,合金材质强化变形超级机器人质感,从驰骋沙场的作战载具化身为机器人,让可动变形增加产品更多新玩法!
Super Vehicle -001 - 百度百科
Super Vehicle -001是Super旗下的游戏。 (1.15版介绍) 高: 2,163mm. 速度: 36 km/h. 发动机: Hobten的T 659G风冷超导柴油机发动机. 武器装备:三联装12.6mm口径火神炮. 127mm口径线膛炮(可换127mm口径穿甲弹 ) 防御设施: 烟幕干扰器. 抗打击能力:(1代、2代、X代、3代是3下,4代、5代是4下,6代、7代TARMA是6下其余人是3下) 2026年专门为特种作战开发的兵器,主要充当正规军的装甲部队,由于它非常轻巧,从而可以将其由运输飞机或直升机空投到任何 …
SV-001 - Metal Slug Attack Wiki
The SV-001 (more commonly known as the Metal Slug, the namesake slug of the series) is an early-game Metal Slug Attack unit. It is first unlocked through the tutorial of the Medal Crank. Additional parts can most easily be obtained through the P.O.W. Shop. As a beginner unit, its power is very low for its AP cost.
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