Sunaudio new SV-6L6SX - 悅聲音響 REFERENCE AUDIO
Sunaudio has recently introduced a new model SV-6L6SX to replace the old model SV-6V6SE and SV-EL34 which had been in the product line for more than twenty years. The use of 6L6GC tube is a very good choice since it has an output power of 6.5W which is nearly 50% more than what we get from 6V6 (4.5W)and come close to the 8 watts output from EL34.
"SV-6L6SX" Single Ended Power Amplifier (topic) - big.or.jp
互いに仕様の異なるトランスを用いて構成されるステレオアンプ「 SV-6L6SX 」とモノラルアンプ「 SV-2A3EPX 」の場合、入出力端子の数量や部分的なトランス形状の違いから別々のシャーシを使わざるを得ないのが実情でした。
The Svetlana SV6L6GC features: • Design and construction based on the Sylvania 6L6GC/STR387 • Extra-rugged construction for use in music amplifiers--thick mica spacers and extra bracing reduce microphonic effects and resist mechanical and thermal shocks • Increased peak cathode emission from new cathode materials • Gold-plated grid and extended ...
6L6GB vs. 6L6GC - Seymour Duncan User Group Forums
2007年2月20日 · The best current production 6L6 type tube is the Sovtek 5881, which electrically is a 6L6GB. (Notice the suffix here.) A GB is not as powerful as a GC. The GC's had a 30 watt plate dissipation rating and a higher plate voltage rating (450 or so), while the GB is rated at only 23 watts and 360 volts (as I recall, I don't have a tube manual in ...
SV-6L6PE - big.or.jp
6L6GC tubes are driven through the interstage transformer. Also, 6L6GC tubes are operated in Ultra Linear mode. Now, we deliver all of our SV-amplifiers except SV-300BSM with exchanging among three kind of power transformers just like below in order to be used for all over the world.
6L6-type vacuum tube shootout - Wall of Sound
The Svetlana SV 6L6-GC is a $26.95 (each) is yet another inexpensive good-sounding Russian tube. In my Musical Paradise MP-301 mk3 Deluxe the Svetlana is an open, airy, neutral sounding performer. It is clear and less demonstrably warm and thick than the Mullard.
Yamamoto A-08 (Sunaudio SV-6L6SX mod.) - 悅聲音響 …
Yamamoto A-08 (Sunaudio SV-6L6SX mod.) We have just completed a new amplifier using the circuit in the production of the famous YAMAMOTO A-08 (using 45 tube). The value of the components remains unchanged though most of them will be different from the original product.
6L6系真空管のすすめ : オーディオ万華鏡(SUNVALLEY audio公式 …
2024年9月24日 · 6L6GCはオーディオ用途に広く使用され、UL接続で約8Wという一線級の出力だけでなく、他のビーム管ともコンパチ性が確保しやすい側面があり、自作派層にも人気があります。 ペアで数千円~1万円前後で入手できるものが多く、音質的にもニュートラルで駆動力もあるので、現代の小型, 低能率スピーカーでも大音量さえ望まなければ難なくドライブできる点が最大のメリットといえるでしょう。 あたりがコストパフォーマンスの高さでお奨めです。 …
6V6 6P3P EL34 到底做哪款好呢???? - 矿石收音机
2011年8月25日 · 6V6,6P3P音色是属于偏温暖型的,EL34音色是属于冷艳型的,可根据你喜欢的音色选管,6P3P-EL34做单端功率8-10w,推音箱好推,6V6只有4w左右。 我也喜欢听2位的歌曲,特别是邓丽君,我是君迷! 我喜欢温暖音色的管子! 哈哈,您用的是什么? 我现在比较纠结,我先做了6p1感觉声音不错,然后过了一个月感觉满足不了我的要求。 然后把6p1改成6p14.刚做好后感觉好像没6p1好。 6p14给我的感觉就是中音低音很给力。 但就是感觉6p1好点说不上来 …
Svetlana 6L6GC - Tubes for Amps
6L6GC-SV is sold by the new US Svetlana brand, and are only avilable in USA. The tube is excellent for providing fuller tone and punch to Fender guitar amps. This is a great 6L6 that replaces all 6L6/5881 tubes in guitar amps as well as HiFi Audio amps.