SVG-100 - Call of Duty Wiki
The SVG-100 is a bolt-action sniper rifle featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops III and a scrapped weapon from Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. The SVG is rarely used by enemy NPCs in the campaign. However, it is avaliable for use in custom loadouts, and is sometimes seen as a recommended loadout weapon at mobile armories.
SVG-100 - Call of Duty: Black Ops III Guide - IGN
2015年11月18日 · The SVG-100 is a Sniper Rifle in Black Ops III. It is the most power sniper rifle in the game, able to kill players with one shot at any part of their body within distance. At extreme distances...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - SVG-100
Heavy bolt-action sniper rifle. Delivers one-hit kills. Unlocked at Rank 52. Enhanced zoom sight. Magnification Optic. Detect enemy heat signatures. Emitted Light Optic. No radar signature when firing. Reduced weapon sway when aiming. Reload faster. Increased bullet penetration. More ammo in each magazine. Increased rate of fire.
【CoD词条】使命召唤黑色行动3 SVG-100 - 哔哩哔哩
轨道狙, 视频播放量 3906、弹幕量 15、点赞数 24、投硬币枚数 28、收藏人数 26、转发人数 12, 视频作者 clandy7777, 作者简介 clandy7777,全部词条视频分类整理好了放在我的收藏里,可以随时查看~,相关视频:【7777教程】难得的教程向~如何用脑子玩COD,【CoD词条】使命召唤现代战争3 G36C,【CoD词条】使命 ...
【心得】致命的機械狙擊槍「SVG-100」 @決勝時刻 哈啦板 - 巴 …
2015年11月14日 · 可以看到SVG-100具有 滅音器、彈道處理器、快速替換彈夾、穿甲彈、加長彈夾、急速射擊和槍托等七樣配件 ,皆具有不同的專長戰鬥領域。 滅音器具有降低開槍聲音 並使開槍時敵人小地圖上不會出現標記 的兩種功能,但身為重狙,加上滅音器也沒有什麼 太大的實際聽聲差別 ,僅僅 能夠使得敵人不會那麼快找到你,個人頗為推薦。 (備註:SVG-100鳴槍時的聲音可以仔細聽聽看,會有回音。 彈道處理器用於降低瞄準時的晃動來使得狙擊能夠更為順利、 …
COD Black Ops 3 - "SVG-100" BEST CLASS SETUP - BO3 Best SVG ... - YouTube
COD Black Ops 3 - "SVG-100" BEST CLASS SETUP - BO3 Best SVG-100 Sniper Class Setup! (COD BO3 Class) Commentator: http://www.youtube.com/DestructnatrSnapchat:...
【使命召唤12】碾压巴雷特 AWM?COD系列最酷炫重狙SVG的三 …
相关游戏: 使命召唤 COD 黑色行动 现代战争 WWII 简介补充: 这次带来的是 使命召唤:黑色行动3 (BO3)的栓动重型狙击步枪SVG的核弹视频,一共三个部分,主武器为SVG,分别使用了游戏中使用频率较高的三种瞄准具:ELO瞄具.Varix瞄具.以及Thermal瞄具。本人能力有限 ...
Locus vs. SVG-100 : r/blackops3 - Reddit
2016年2月23日 · Here's what I've gathered so far: Locus: less weapon sway, smaller 1hk surface area, ... SVG-100: more weapon sway, larger 1hk surface area, ... Thanks for the input. Locus for offensive sniping (need really good aim) svg for casual/defensive sniping. I think they have different zoom levels too.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - Sniper Rifles
Sniper rifles dominate long-range combat with powerful precision. They offer high accuracy and damage with the capability for one-shot kills. Snipers are a bad choice up close, but can lock down a medium- to long-range sightline, preventing enemies from retaliating. Semi-auto. Delivers two-hit kills from the waist up. Bolt-action.
SVG-100 Review - Black Ops 3 - YouTube
Should you use the SVG-100 Sniper Rifle in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? Watch and find out in this review of the SVG in BO3!----Cheap Games----https://www.g2a....