Underground Racing | Home of the world's fastest street-legal …
Mohammad's Underground Racing Twin Turbo Lamborghini Huracan set a new 1/2 mile world record... Fowler wins King of the Streets Fowler takes the title with his Underground Racing built X-Version Huracan... UR Announces V10 CNC Billet Block This year was another great one...
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ TT X-Version by Underground Racing ... - YouTube
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Twin Turbo X Version built by Underground Racing with 2000+HP ⬅️ full boost 🌪 2× Precision Billet Turbos ⚙ 1-7 Billet Transmission...
最大馬力2000hp起跳!Lamborghini SVJ「神獸化」UGR雙螺改
2021年9月9日 · 原廠動力設定已臻NA一拜境界的Lamborghini不分大小牛,想要大增動力最尋常手法就是外掛雙渦輪,其中又以簡稱UGR的Underground Racing所改裝的效果最猛,動力層面歷經所謂Stage 3升級,搭配高爆發力的賽級汽油,最大馬力要飆到原廠兩倍也就是1500hp可說輕鬆寫意!
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Gets 2000hp Upgrade after Doing
2022年8月4日 · Underground Racing just finished working on a Lamborghini Aventador SVJ, upgrading it with their twin-turbo setup which gives new numbers to the 6.5L V12 supercar. The owner who goes by the name...
Underground Racing
Underground Racing's Lamborghini race modifications start with a car detail and detailed check-in inspection. From there, highly skilled technicians remove the engine and transmission.
最大马力2000匹起,兰博基尼SVJ兽化动力改装 - 百家号
2021年9月9日 · 原厂动力设定已达到自然吸气动力的巅峰,Lamborghini不分大小牛,想要大增动力最寻常手法就是外挂双涡轮,其中又以简称UGR的Underground Racing所改装的效果最猛,动力层面历经所谓Stage 3升级,搭配高爆发力的赛级汽油,最大马力要飙到原厂两倍也就是1500hp可 …
2020 Lamborghini Aventador SVJ $1,300,000
For sale is this 614 mile Underground Racing Twin Turbo Lamborghini Aventador SVJ. This SVJ has a fully built engine with billet connecting rods and custom forged pistons. It also has our fully billet 1st-7th transmission gear setup with billet drop gears, billet input and output shafts.
2.000 PS - BiTurbo Lamborghini Aventador SVJ from UGR!
2021年9月10日 · Unbelievable 2.000 PS on the bike from the legendary V12. And when the boys hear and see the Lambo for the first time, they are visibly impressed. Incidentally, the basis for the conversion was an Aventador SVJ (Supervelocé Jota) with 770 PS & 720 NM from 2020, which is one of the fastest street-legal vehicles ever.
馬力「大三倍」!Lamborghini SVJ LP770-4「UGR雙渦改」神牛 …
2022年7月28日 · Aventador SVJ在整個Lamborghini猛年陣營當中即使地位至高也曾當過「綠色地獄」最速紀錄車,但其輸出性能在目前渦輪、油電新車輩出的超跑級距卻早被擠出前排位置,車主如想討回顏面,訴諸高增壓渦輪化改裝絕對是最有效的上訴方式,就像上身渦輪超跑專門廠UGR ...
LAMBORGHINI SVJ LP770-4「UGR雙渦改」神牛式樣,馬力「大 …
2022年8月2日 · 相較同時問世的屬標準版本的Aventador S,車名源自Superveloce Jeto縮寫的SVJ,本身非但車體歷經相當程度的輕量減重,外觀上身殺氣更有的空力化武裝,動力更效法「百年紀念版」Centenario而具備770ps(759.2hp)的馬力峰值,致使馬力/重量比表現達到1.98kg/hp的超亮眼 ...