3914 Build and Details - Smith And Wesson Forums
Nov 25, 2020 · 3914 was a compact version of the 39 series. 9mm claiber only double action semi auto All aluminum frame 3 1/2 inch barrel . It was a hammerless ( bobbed Hammer) 8 shot pistol. the magazine had a finger extension mag. they were fixed sighted only with ambidextrous safety. The came in Blue finish only and a straight ( Non Arched ) main spring ...
39xx , parts and modern alternatives - Smith And Wesson Forums
Jun 21, 2018 · Some might be rather low mileage, but none are safe queens. IMHO, the 3913/3914 series guns are reliable, durable, and more accurate than might be expected, little carry pistols. I carried a SIG P239, prior to switching to a 3913 several years ago. I would consider the 239 to be an approximate modern equivalent of the 3913/3914 in size and purpose.
S&W 3906 Info Please - Smith And Wesson Forums
Feb 11, 2012 · here is what i found The 3906 is the a single stack magazine version of the 5906. They were discontinued in 1990. Smith & Wesson should have a stock of parts for it if you need to get it repaired. The 3906 uses many of the same parts as the S&W 3904 (alloy frame blued) and 909 (budget version of the 3904). If you find aftermarket grips, make sure it's for the S&W 390x and not the 391x. 909 ...
3913/3914 grip question - Smith And Wesson Forums
Feb 25, 2016 · Hello all, long time lurker first time poster. I just picked up a 3914 that will probably end up being cerekoted or satin nickled. I would like to replace the grips with a set of replacement factory grips, I actually found some NOS ones but they have an …
S&W 3913 Sights - Smith And Wesson Forums
Jun 7, 2009 · My 70 year old eyes are having a major problem focusing on the standard 3 white dot sights and trying to find the target. Anybody had this problem and found a solution? This is a carry gun, so no red dot scope sights, etc. are applicable here. Would tritium night sights help, or …
S&W 3913 - 6906 - 469 - 669 - Smith And Wesson Forums
May 27, 2010 · Wouldn't ever trade my 3914 (blued 3913) or 6904. But must say a very close second for carry would be a Star BM. Single stack 9mm 1911 style, very slim. Full size grip 3.77" bbl with .84" wide slide.
SD9VE: sights upgrade - Smith And Wesson Forums
May 10, 2021 · Thinking about upgrading the sights on my SD9VE without breaking the bank. Here are a couple of options would appreciate some input preferably based on experience. (all these sight sets are marketed as fitting the M&P full-size/compact guns. Prices do not reflect shipping or sales tax) 1...
S&W 39 Viable Concealed Carry? Or something newer?
Mar 3, 2023 · Depending on any additional restrictions, or personal preferences you may have, for a great used S&W like you mention above, look at the 3913 or 3914. Cost should be about 400 - 600, still eight round mags, and excellent little pistols.
SW 1006 10mm - Smith And Wesson Forums
Mar 11, 2025 · i have had a 10mm SW in stainless steel nice shape for over 30 years shoots nice what is it worth ?
'New to me' 3914 - Smith And Wesson Forums
Jun 29, 2024 · This 3914 was reimported from Israel last summer by Century Arms. I bought it, along with the 910 a few weeks ago, from a long-time family friend/dealer. It is destined to become my primary EDC, assuming it is reliable and accurate.