Smith & Wesson Model 325 Night Guard 45 ACP Revolver
These light-weight scandium revolvers with 2½ inch barrels come in K, L and N frames with choices in 38, 357 Magnum, 44 Special, 44 Magnum and 45 ACP calibers.
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Unboxing A Smith & Wesson Model 325 Thunder Ranch - Guns.com
2023年10月11日 · A further improvement on the Model 625, the Model 325 features a 4-inch barrel, a light alloy frame, a contoured rubber grip, and a mounting system for an accessory rail on the barrel. While the...
史密斯威森M325夜間護衞型左輪手槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
史密斯威森M325夜間護衞型 (英語: Smith & Wesson Model 325 Night Guard)是一款由 美國 槍械公司 史密斯威森 旗下的性能中心以 史密斯威森M325 (史密斯威森M25的 鈧 合金 底把 版本)為藍本研製及生產的 6發式 「N型 底把」 雙動操作 式個人防護及專業/職責用途 左輪手槍,發射.45 ACP 、.45 Auto Rim (英語:.45 Auto Rim) 或.45 GAP (英語:.45 GAP) 這三種.45 口徑 的 手槍 子彈。 2008年,史密斯威森宣布已經推出新型夜間警衛系列的左輪手槍,而史密 …
Smith & Wesson 325 Thunder Ranch - Revolvers Only
2017年10月18日 · Shooting the S&W 325 is a bit challenging due to the lighter weight of the gun. Other than an Colt Single Action Army, I have very little trigger time with .4xx caliber revolvers. I have a bit more experience with auto-loaders in this caliber and recognize the difference in full power ammunition and lighter loads for competition.
Smith & Wesson Performance Center Thunder Ranch SA/DA M325 …
The Smith & Wesson Model 325 Thunder Ranch Revolver in .45 ACP features a 4-inch barrel, matte black finish, scandium alloy frame, black synthetic grip, front interchangeable gold bead sight, rear adjustable white outline sight, black stainless steel cylinder, light rail, Defensive Revolver DVD, a double-action trigger, an overall length of 9.5 ...
Rolling Thunder: S&W Performance Center Model 325 Thunder …
2017年11月22日 · To help keep the revolver’s weight in check, the S&W Performance Center chose a scandium alloy frame to hold the steel lockwork and fluted cylinder. The S&W Performance Center includes five moon clips with the Model 325 for faster .45 ACP reloads. The gold bead front sight is paired with a fully adjustable sight.
Smith & Wesson 325 Thunder Ranch - For Sale - New - Guns.com
The Smith Wesson 325 is a six-shot revolver chambered in 45 ACP. The Thunder Ranch model features a matte black finish scandium alloy frame stainless steel 4 barrel and fluted cylinder carbon steel...
史密斯威森M325夜间护卫型左轮手枪 - 百度百科
Smith & Wesson Performance Center® Model 325 Thunder Ranch Revolver
From hand-cutting and fitting to fine tuning for precision, this Smith & Wesson Performance Center® Model 325 Thunder Ranch Revolver is a top performer. Like all products from the Performance Center, this revolver is the ultimate expression of old-world craftsmanship blended with modern technology.
Smith & Wesson M325 Thunder Ranch Revolver, .45 ACP, …
Smith & Wesson M325 Thunder Ranch Revolver, .45 ACP, Centerfire, 170316, 022188703160, 4" Barrel available at a great price in the Sportsman's Guide Revolver collection