MODEL 329PD | Smith & Wesson
Smith & Wesson combined a Scandium alloy frame with a Titanium cylinder to build the strongest and lightest weight .44 Magnum revolver made. The result...maximum power in a small, lightweight, easy-to-carry package. Smith & Wesson's large frame revolvers are a favorite choice among handgun hunters, competitive shooters and revolver enthusiasts.
史密斯威森M29左輪手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
史密斯威森M329夜間護衞型 (英語: Smith & Wesson Model 329 Night Guard)是一把 钪 合金 底把 以及採用PVD塗層 弹巢 、 氚 光 機械瞄具 的左輪手槍,是夜間護衞型系列的一部份。
史密夫韦森M329夜间护卫型左轮手枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年6月30日 · 史密夫韦森M329夜间护卫型 (英语: Smith & Wesson Model 329 Night Guard )是一款由 美国 枪械公司 史密斯&威森 旗下的性能中心以 史密夫韦森M329 (史密夫韦森M29的 钪 合金 底把 版本)为蓝本研制及生产的6发式“N型 底把 ” 双动操作 式个人防护及专业/职责用途 ...
Buy Smith Wesson M329 Night Guard 44mag Revolver Online
These light-weight scandium revolvers with 2½ inch barrels come in K, L and N frames with choices in 38, 357 Magnum, 44 Special, 44 Magnum and 45 ACP calibers.
- 评论数: 2
Smith & Wesson Model 329PD 44 Remington Mag Revolver 4.125 …
The Smith & Wesson 329PD combines a Scandium alloy frame with a Titanium cylinder to build the strongest and lightest weight .44 Magnum revolver made. The result... maximum power in a small, lightweight, easy-to-carry package.
Smith & Wesson Model 329PD 44 Magnum 4.12in Matte Black …
Smith & Wesson Model 329PD 44 Magnum 4.12in Matte Black Revolver - 6 Rounds - Smith & Wesson combined a Scandium alloy frame with a Titanium cylinder to build the strongest and lightest weight .44 Magnum revolver made. The result...maximum power in a small, lightweight, easy-to-carry package.
- 评论数: 16
Smith & Wesson 329pd - For Sale - New :: Guns.com
2025年3月6日 · The Smith Wesson 329 is a small-framed six-shot revolver chambered in 44 Special and 44 Magnum. It features a matte black finish scandium alloy frame titanium alloy fluted cylinder and stainless...
- 评论数: 3
S&W Model 29 ——〖枪炮世界〗
由于多年来有许多射手抱怨M29太重了(扳机扣力),所以在1980年代期间 S&W 公司尝试解决这个问题,从1987年到1990年陆续推出的型号先后有M29-3、M29-3E、M29-4和M29-5。 在1980年代后期有一种“经典”型(Classic)采用较重的全长式枪管下凸耳的帮助减少后坐感。 在1994年推出的M29-6配有Hogue公司生产的橡胶握把, 1998年推出的M29-7改进了击发机构。 M29-2 与.44 马 …
Smith &Wesson 329PD .44 Magnum 4.125"Revolver, Black - 163414
Smith & Wesson combined a Scandium alloy frame with a Titanium cylinder to build the strongest and lightest weight .44 Magnum revolver made. The result is maximum power in a small, lightweight, easy-to-carry package. Smith & Wesson's large frame revolvers are a favorite choice among handgun hunters, competitive shooters and revolver enthusiasts.
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Smith & Wesson Model 329PD 44 Magnum Revolver - SCHEELS
The Smith & Wesson Model 329PD 44 Magnum Handgun features strong but lightweight construction for superior performance and maneuverability. The scandium alloy frame and titanium cylinder on this 44 Magnum pistol offer durability and power without excess weight, improving the mobility and quick-pointing of the handgun.
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