Smith & Wesson Model 59 - Wikipedia
The Smith & Wesson Model 59 is a double-action pistol produced from 1971 to 1982. It was developed by Smith & Wesson from the earlier Smith & Wesson Model 39 by adapting a 14-round capacity stagger-stack magazine.
Classic Wonder Nine: Smith & Wesson Model 59 - Guns.com
2020年6月3日 · One of the more key developments in American semi-auto pistol history, Smith & Wesson’s Model 59 sprang on the scenes in 1971 and gave birth to the company’s “Wonder Nine” period.
史密斯威森M59半自動手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
史密斯威森M59(英語: Smith & Wesson Model 59 )是一款由美国 槍械公司史密斯&威森所研製與生產以後於1971年推出的雙/單動操作式半自動手槍;它的設計開發基於先前的史密斯威森M39手槍(S&W M39),並且採用了更寬闊的槍身和直形握把背護片以改進為可對應容量 ...
史密夫韦森M59半自动手枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年6月22日 · 史密夫韦森M59 (英语: Smith & Wesson Model 59)是一款由 美国 枪械 公司 史密斯&威森 所研制与生产以后于1971年推出的 双/单动操作 式 半自动手枪;它的设计开发基于先前的 史密夫韦森M39手枪 (S&W M39),并且采用了更宽阔的枪身和直形握把背护片以改进为可对应容量达到14发的双排 弹匣 的手枪 [3];而且与S&W M39一样,发射 9×19毫米 口径 手枪 子弹。 史密夫韦森M59最初就为 美国海军 设计,用作Mk 22 Mod 0“静寂的小狗”(Hush …
Smith & Wesson 59 9MM Pistol - Atlantic Firearms
Smith & Wesson 59 9MM Pistol. These semi automatic 9mm pistols were designed for the U.S. Navy with a wider anodized aluminum frame, a straight backstrap, a magazine disconnect (the pistol will not fire unless a magazine is in place), and …
史密斯-韦森59型手枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
史密斯-韦森59型手枪仍然是S&W的第一代半自动手枪。 采用9mm派拉贝鲁姆口径,采用一个加宽握把的阳极化处理铝合底把,以便能使用14发双排弹匣。 外观上与39型手枪最明显的区别是握把背板为直线条设计,而39型手枪是曲线条背板。 其他方面与39型手枪基本相同。 59型手枪大都采用烤蓝的表面处理,但在1972年增加了镀镍型。 镀镍的靶枪型59型手枪.
史密斯-韦森M59手枪 - 百度百科
m59是史密斯-韦森第一代半自动枪支之一。该枪基本上与m39相同,m59依旧是发射9毫米鲁格弹,但它使用了更宽阔的枪身和直形的握把背护片以对应14 发容量的双排弹匣。m59握把后缘呈直形,而m39握把为弧形,很容易进行区分。
Meet the Smith & Wesson Model 59 9mm Auto Pistol: An …
2023年7月14日 · Meet the Smith & Wesson Model 59 9mm Auto Pistol: An Amazing Gun? The S&W M59 made its debut in 1971. Sixteen years after Smith’s M39, which in turn was the first Stateside-produced 9mm auto of any capacity (8+1 rounds).
S&W model 59 review - the pistol that changed the game in 1971
2019年12月8日 · It was designed for the U.S. Navy as a large-capacity version of the S&W Model 39, the basis of their Mark 22 Hush Puppy suppressed pistol. which was evaluated by the Seals, but not adopted. The model 59 came to market in 1971 and was replaced by the 459 in 1982. The 59 shares many similarities to the 1911 A1 including a barrel bushing.
S&W Gen 1 Model 59 9mm Pistol Review - TheGunZone
2023年10月12日 · He, unfortunately, received injuries to his body while serving, that included cracked vertebrae and injuries to both his knees and his shoulder, resulting in several surgeries. His service included operation Restore Hope in Somalia and Desert Storm in Kuwait.