Software - Vector
DaVinci Configurator Classic lets you configure and generate AUTOSAR Classic basic software (BSW) and the RTE for ECUs – whether they are BSW modules from Vector (MICROSAR …
Vector BSW and tools to my team When planning a new project, I can easily instantiate a DevOps environment, including all required tools and BSW. My SCM and CI/CD environment is already …
Solved: Re: IVOR4 - NXP Community
2019年1月17日 · Most of the customer use SW vector mode. It is like “default” mode. HW vector mode you would use in case you would need extremely fast ISR response for some sources - …
SW vector mode vs. HW vector mode for MPC56xx - NXP …
2012年4月12日 · The INTC has 2 operation modes: SW vector mode and HW vector mode. The HW vector mode is the same like the ISRs handling is realized on almost all MCUs. But what …
lvgl/src/draw/sw/lv_draw_sw_vector.c at master - GitHub
void lv_draw_sw_vector(lv_draw_task_t * t, const lv_draw_vector_task_dsc_t * dsc)
Software-Defined Vehicle | Vector
At Vector, we identified five enablers that help you to develop Software-Defined Vehicles quickly and efficiently. A centralized HPC and zonal architecture is needed for the Software-Defined …
Concepts for SW Development and Test with CANoe4SW Stimulate your software under test using panels, signal generators, dedicated stimulation windows, and scripts
Software Factory | Vector
用于创建、集成和部署软件的尖端工具链。 快速的 软件开发周期 需要DevOps方法,这种方法可以提高组织自动化和高速交付应用程序和服务的能力。 我们的汽车软件工厂就是将这些成功的 …
Difference between Software/Hardware vector mode - NXP …
2016年1月25日 · I'm working on a MPC5604B µC and I've some difficulties to do the difference between software vector mode and hardware vector mode. Where can I find simple …
SW-VML is a common vector function package for domestic Sunway processor series, and it can be used as a basic toolkit which is beneficial to high performance computing on Sunway platform.