哈罗CQ火腿社区 - DX通信 - 短波收听(SWL)简介 - Powered by …
2021年9月4日 · SWL是英文Shortwave Listener的简称,即短波收听爱好者,他们是业余无线电这一爱好的特殊参与者。 这一类爱好者与普通的业余无线电爱好者一样努力精进,他们学习无线电技术、改良和制作更好的天线和收信机和研究传播规律,希望能够接收到更多更远的信号。 但是,与普通的业余无线电爱好者不同的是,他们选择不进行无线电发射,而是仅仅收听其他业余无线电爱好者的通联,并向他们寄去收听确认卡片(SWL卡片),以期能得到他们的确认。 SWL并不 …
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NASWA: The North American Shortwave Association
We are the premiere organization in North America for shortwave listeners and DXers. We sponsor the popular yearly Winter SWL Fest, where monitoring hobbyists of all stripes, from DC to daylight, gather for a weekend of cameraderie and talk about radio. Our club motto is …
Home - All Fifty Club
We celebrate the amazing accomplishment of visiting all 50 states of the U.S.A. Been to all 50? Make it official by joining the club! Almost there? Become a member if you have visited 35 states or more and be inspired to complete your goal!
The SWLing Post | Shortwave listening and everything radio …
Frank is now organizing an new challenge—the SSB SWL Contest 2025, running from March 1st to October 31st, 2025. This contest focuses on listening to amateur radio stations in SSB mode across the 10m to 40m bands, with the goal of logging the most DXCC entities over eight months.
Shortwave Radio Resources - SWLing.com
Below, you will find a curated collection of some of the best shortwave radio resources on the Internet. Each one of these curtain antennas at The VOA's Edward R. Murrow Transmission Station, near Greenville, North Carolina, are approximately 300 feet (91.5 Meters) high and 240 feet (73 meters) wide. QSL from the Australian Broadcasting Commission.
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NAQCC Introduction
No dues or membership fees - open to any licensed radio amateur or shortwave listener (SWL) worldwide with interest in CW/QRP operation. Encouraging the use of CW and helping all hams increase CW speed and proficiency is a top club priority.
Dobson Fifty Club
Dobson Fifty Club is no longer accepting new memberships. If you would like to join our waiting list, click here. The Dobson Ranch Fifty Club is a new golfing venture established for members 50 years and older.
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