Best 125cc SuperMoto: SM 125 R TROFEO – SWM Motorcycles
If you're wondering what the best 125cc Supermoto is, you should take a look at our SM 125 R TROFEO: find out all the features now! Series model to participate in the 2024 Supermotard Trophy in collaboration with OTTOBIANO MOTOSPORT. ... #swm #swmmotorcycles #sm125r #motard #passionemoto #sm125. 127 0 . Open . 🔥 SWM Demo Ride Day – Due e ...
Fabricant italien de motos - Home | SWM Motorcycles
The SWM SM 125 R combines motard DNA with street performance, delivering unmatched agility, power, and adrenaline on every ride. Whether you’re carving through city streets or tearing up backroads, this bike is ready for action. 🔥🏁 📍 Discover more at swm-motorcycles.it #swm #swmmotorcycles #sm125r #motard #passionemoto #sm125
SWM RS125 R (2017) - Road test and review - Bennetts
2017年3月21日 · SWM's 125 isn't cheap at £3399, but that's about what you'd expect for a European/Japanese 125 to Euro 4 spec. The bike certainly looks well put together and feels solid – it's a welcome newcomer to the 125 class, and if the badge is a …
Migliori Motard 125: SM 125 R ROSSO-NERO – SWM Motorcycles
Se ti stai chiedendo quali sono i migliori Motard 125, dovresti dare un'occhiata alla nostra SM 125 R Rossa-Nera: scoprine ora tutte le caratteristiche! ... Acquistando la SM 125 R in uno dei concessionari SWM potrai usufruire dei seguenti servizi: PROMOZIONE INTERESSI ZERO. ASSICURAZIONE. GARANZIA DUE ANNI. DETTAGLI. SPECIFICHE; ACCESSORI ...
SWM SM125 R (2017-on) Review | Speed, Specs & Prices - Motorcycle News
2021年2月22日 · Its price point puts the SWM in competition with ‘premium’ 125s from the Japanese brands rather than cheaper Chinese alternatives and on this front the SM125R certainly holds its own.
SWM SM 125 R | Technische Daten und Infos - SWM Motorrad
SWM SM 125 R – MASSE UND GEWICHT; Radstand: 1485 mm: Sitzhöhe (ohne Fahrer) 890 mm: Trockengewicht: 117 kg: Tankinhalt: 7,2 l: Wir würden uns freuen dich im neuen SWM Forum begrüßen zu dürfen – tausche dich mit anderen SWM Fans über die aktuellen Modelle und Zubehör aus. zum Forum –> RS 300 R & 500 R.
SM 125 R (ABS) - SWM Motorcycles
A SM 125 R (ABS) oferece uma excelência sem igual, com uma incrível performance em estrada.Motor de 4T e refrigerado a líquido, esta moto proporciona um excelente desempenho com a sua caixa de 6 velocidades e um manuseamento equilibrado e preciso onde …
SWM Motorcycles - SM 125 R - Super Motard Motorcycle
Een cool design, high-end onderdelen en toegankelijk voor jonge en beginnende rijders, dat is kort samengevat de SM 125! Zo maakt de 125cc Super Motard machine gebruik van een dubbel wiegframe en heeft hij een upside-down voorvork en een ‘soft damp’ monoshock achterschokdemper. Zijn krachtige 125cc monocilinder DOHC vloeistofgekoelde 4-taktmotor wordt gevoed door brandstofinjectie en […]
SWM RS125R/SM125Rの販売店は?価格やスペック、ファクト …
2018年4月18日 · 日本ではあまり馴染みのないメーカーですが、 swm から125ccのフルサイズオフロードが発売されていますよ。 オフの rs125r とモタードの sm125r なのですが、この度なんと factory edition なるものが追加されることが発表されました。. 通常のモデルとどこが違うのかも気になりますが、そもそも元の ...
Produttore di Moto | SWM Motorcycles
Il Grande Ritorno dei Modelli SWM NEWS Varez 125, Outlaw 125 e Ace of Spades 125 a Prezzi Imperdibili! SCOPRI DI PIÙ SWM MOTORCYCLES QUALITÀ SENZA COMPROMESSI DAL 1971 Da oltre 50 anni SWM si occupa di tutto il processo di realizzazione delle moto unendo lo stile italiano ad un Know-How da grande industria motociclistica.